Apex Legends players call for nerf to akimbo Mozambique as dominance in ALGS deemed ‘unfair’

The Mozambique shotguns, which can be dual-wielded, are currently dominating in ALGS and players of Apex Legends are becoming increasingly frustrated. Many are calling for Respawn to nerf these weapons.

Despite its small size and limited capability, the Mozambique was consistently met with pure disdain from Apex Legends players. Some fans would refuse to even pick it up, even when it was their only available option.

Respawn has occasionally embraced this idea, even going so far as to create an April Fool’s mode centered around the Mozambique’s supposed omnipotence. However, in Season 22, they took things to the next level by introducing the ability to dual-wield shotguns. This new feature allows players to quickly unleash a barrage of shots at close range.

Undoubtedly, the recently introduced feature has attracted a significant number of players, particularly in competitive matches. As the ALGS Year 4 Split 2 commences, the use of Akimbo shotguns has become prevalent, causing discontent among players.

The initial statistics of competitive play revealed that the dual-wield Mozambique had accumulated over 95,000 damage. This was more than 14,000 damage above the second-place Hemlok AR.

One fan requested for the mozams to be nerfed, stating that it requires no skill and can easily be abused by holding down the mouse or trigger. They suggested removing the automatic and hammers as a solution.

Day 1 weapon meta byu/Same_Paramedic_3329 inCompetitiveApex

Several players complained about the combination of Hammerpoint rounds and the Akimbo mod, arguing that it was currently “unfair.”

One person stated, “Using Akimbo is acceptable, but adding hammerpoint on top of it is not. You have to decide between one or the other.”Another individual expressed sympathy for professional players, saying, “I feel sorry for the pros. They are forced to use it because it is significantly stronger than any other weapon. Respawn should be ashamed.”

“Although Akimbo has a nice concept, I am unable to comprehend their thought process. Unfortunately, their implementation of it was deemed to be the worst possible by another individual.”

Despite the recent addition of Akimbo weapons at the beginning of the new season, it will still take some time before any significant alterations are implemented. However, it is evident that players are becoming increasingly frustrated.

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