Apex Legends players furious as official account mutes cheater infestation comments

Apex Legends players furious as official account mutes cheater infestation comments

The Apex Legends community is outraged after discovering that the official X account intentionally muted a comment criticizing the game’s lack of action towards cheating problems.

Despite the chaos, a content creator named Soupy made his stance on the current cheating situation in the game known in a July 17 post. The post was flooded with comments criticizing the game’s recent battle pass overhaul, the prevalence of cheaters, and other changes made during season 22.

“In a response on X, he stated that he required assistance in battling a group of dishonest players who were all heterosexual.”

Soupy wasn’t the sole person discussing the abundance of cheaters being observed, however, it appeared that the account specifically targeted him. In response, another commenter noted that their comment had been concealed, prompting Soupy to capture a screenshot of the conversation as proof.

After that, he posted about Apex Legends again in a follow-up that garnered over 130,000 views and nearly 4,000 likes. The post and accompanying screenshots also gained traction on

Another individual stated, “This is nothing new. They have always concealed comments like this.”

Following the controversy surrounding the suppression of comments regarding cheating, the official Apex Legends account eventually unhid Soupy’s post in an effort to salvage their reputation. However, the community was not willing to forgive and forget.

“One player responded to Soupy’s muted comment by saying, ‘It’s frustrating to put in so many hours into a game, only to be muted by the same game. What is happening, man?’”

Currently, the comment remains visible amidst the plethora of dissatisfied players who are hoping for Apex Legends’ developers to address the prevalent cheating problems that have caused players, including streamer HisWattson, to leave the game.

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