Are VCT Team Slots at Risk? Valorant Esports Boss Addresses Rumors

As speculation arises regarding the potential reevaluation of certain VCT team slots for the 2025 season, the head of Valorant esports has responded to these rumors.

During the off-season for VCT, Ascension is preparing to select the next group of teams to join the top regional leagues. However, amidst this process, there have been discussions about certain teams possibly losing their partnership slots, causing speculation to arise.

As per a VCT insider, Riot was evaluating the partnership slots of MIBR and Global Esports after the 2025 season, along with other teams, according to Tanmay’s statement.

However, Leo Faria, the Global Head of Valorant esports, quickly dispelled the rumors as they began to circulate.

Global Esports at VCT Pacific
VCT Pacific

Global Esports was one of the teams rumored whose partnership slot was up for reevaluation.

“Faria has stated that the speculation about reevaluating certain teams’ partnership status in the VCT is not true.”

At the conclusion of each season, we conduct a performance assessment of all teams and will reassess each one prior to the next partnership cycle in 2027.

The original 30 teams in the America, Pacific, and EMEA regions have all agreed to four-year contracts to remain in their respective leagues. When the contracts expire, Riot has the option to offer them a renewal or let it lapse and select a different organization.

According to Faria, there will be no changes to the current schedule and all team partnership contracts will remain valid until their expected end date. This means that all current partnered teams will continue to compete in the league until at least 2026.

Faria has stated that if teams currently holding a partnership slot are not offered a new contract, organizations in Challengers will be given priority for consideration of a partnership slot when the time comes.

Until 2026, the only concern for partnered organizations will be an annual performance evaluation, which will assess their team’s performance during the season.

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