Article Header: Kevin Costner reflects on hiring his daughter on western film

Kevin Costner addressed allegations of nepotism by stating that he stands by his decision to cast his son in the new western film Horizon, with no regrets.

It is a frequent occurrence for the offspring of renowned actors and directors to pursue a career in the same field. However, there has been criticism of nepotism in cases where these celebrity children are cast in significant projects without any prior experience.

Despite his son Hayes Costner having no prior acting experience, Horizon creator Kevin Costner has been openly discussing the topic of nepotism in relation to casting his 15-year-old son in a minor role in the movie.

Costner stated to USA Today, “He’s a handsome young man, and he’s reserved. Moreover, I have not pushed my kids into show business.”

Costner acknowledged that there are numerous young actors who are eager to be a part of this film. He expressed his reluctance to take away those opportunities from them by casting his own children.

The actor admitted that it may have been a selfish decision to cast his son in the role of Nathaniel Kittredge, but it was for a heartwarming reason. He explained that he simply wanted to have his son on set with him and spend quality time together.

Costner praised his son’s performance in [Horizon], stating that while he may not have much experience, he is truly beautiful in the role.

Although Hayes was not required to audition for the role in the new movie, Costner mentioned that the character’s part was relatively minor compared to others.

Despite Costner’s decision, fans of Horizon appear to be unfazed.

“Someone wrote on X/Twitter that it feels like you’re funding a 4-part epic where you have the freedom to choose whoever you want to cast, since it’s your money. There’s no need to justify your choices!”

It was also stated by someone that it is an effective method to save some cash while putting away your life savings.

“Despite the risks, the man was determined to make this happen. In my opinion, he has every right to involve his son,”added a third individual, commenting on the matter.

Mark your calendars for June 28, when the highly anticipated release of Kevin Costner’s Horizon: An American Saga hits theaters. While you wait, be sure to check out our reviews of other movies coming out this month, including our thoughts on Horizon. Plus, find out why Kevin Costner is eager to make a comeback in Yellowstone.

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