As a Boruto fan, please stop – Fandom turns on one of their own after intriguing worldbuilding claim made

In the world of anime, few have sparked as much controversy as @WuYella’s recent statement about the worldbuilding in Boruto. By stating that the series lacks development of its existing world and that the introduction of new worlds detracts from exploring it, @WuYella ignited a firestorm within the fandom. This critique, which argues that the anime should delve further into its own world rather than constantly introducing new dimensions such as Momoshiki’s realm, has sparked a plethora of reactions.

Despite some fans defending the series’ approach as natural and necessary, others believe the criticism accurately addresses the flaws in the worldbuilding. This article will explore the resulting drama and its implications for the fandom.

Boruto Fan Sparks Controversy with Criticism of Series’ Worldbuilding

Not long ago, @WuYella, an X user, shared their thoughts on the worldbuilding elements of the Boruto universe. Within the anime community, it is widely recognized that a successful anime often depends on having a unique concept that sets it apart. While an original premise can be attractive, it is equally important for an anime to excel in its worldbuilding.

An understanding of worldbuilding can enhance viewers’ enjoyment of their favorite shows. The Boruto series, for example, has often been criticized for neglecting its setting and instead prioritizing the introduction of new worlds.

Boruto as shown in the anime series (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Boruto as shown in the anime series (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The tweet suggests that instead of exploring the current universe and adding new nations, the series continually introduces new worlds, such as Momoshiki’s world, which appears to divert attention from the progress of the established setting.

In spite of these criticisms, it is crucial to acknowledge that Boruto is a continuation of the Naruto series. As a result of this continuity, it is logical to presume that the audience already has a strong grasp of the established world.

Kawaki as shown in the series (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Kawaki as shown in the series (Image via Studio Pierrot)

As a result, the show’s decision to delve into uncharted dimensions and distant planets is a deliberate move to expand upon the existing groundwork and expand the narrative’s boundaries. This approach enables the series to push beyond its comfort zone and introduce new and exciting elements to the plot.

How Fans of Boruto Reacted to the Claim

Fans responded with strong reactions to @WuYella’s claim, with some politely requesting that the user refrain from sharing their opinions.

“You do know that “world building” doesn’t just mean “more places” right?”a fan said.

“My brother do you know what Worldbuilding even is?”commented another fan.

“These worlds are deserted and two of them are lifeless,”a fan shared.

Despite facing strong rejection from some members of the fandom, @WuYella’s claims received support from a few. They contended that although the series had introduced various worlds, there was still very little information available about them.

“and what do we know about those worlds? still garbage lmao,”a fan said.

“Look at all those places and locations that get no details about them, lore about the area, or any mention whatsoever. Godtier world building!”another fan said.

“Places alone doesn’t equal world building. How those places and thier inhabitants culture interacts, the people’s experience connected with each other like threads, that’s what worldbuilding is. So of you wanna say boruto has a good world building then elaborate more than that,”a fan argued.

Upon examining the viewpoints put forth by these fans, it is suggested that the Boruto series should further explore the various worlds depicted in the show.

Final Thoughts

The Five Kage of the series' world (Image via Studio Pierrot)
The Five Kage of the series’ world (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Despite the strong reactions from some fans regarding the criticisms about Boruto’s worldbuilding, others argue that the series’ focus on expanding beyond the original world is a natural evolution and a means of keeping the story captivating.

This difference of opinion has led to discussions within the fan community, as some fans encourage critics to acknowledge the series’ attempts to introduce new ideas and progress instead of being fixated on its history.

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