Asmongold explains his reasons for declining the sponsored stream opportunity for Esports World Cup.

Asmongold explained why he turned down an offer from Esports World Cup organizers to do a sponsored stream for the event, with many fans finding his reasoning fitting for his brand.

On August 26, the creator uploaded a video to his YouTube channel where he mentioned, “Many streamers were sponsored to watch this event,” and also shared that he had the opportunity to sponsor and view the event.

“I want to clarify that I did not take it, not for any moral reason, but simply because I did not feel like it. I want to make it clear that I do not think I am better than anyone or that I would speak negatively about this situation. I just chose not to partake.”

The first ever Esports World Cup, which occurs yearly, was held in Saudi Arabia for a duration of six weeks. On August 26, Team Falcons emerged as the official winners of the Club Championship, earning a grand prize of $7 million. The runner-up and third place teams received $4 million and $2 million respectively.

Despite the event’s welcoming message, many people in the industry declined participation due to the country’s human rights record and stance on LGBT rights. In an interview with the BBC in July, EWC Foundation CEO Ralf Reichert stated that “Everyone was welcome”to attend the event.

When inquired by a viewer about the amount of EWC’s sponsorship for his stream, Asmon avoided answering directly. He instead redirected the conversation by suggesting they watch a clip together.

Despite being repeatedly pressured for a response, he eventually gave in and stated, “If you take a look at my audience, particularly on YouTube, it’s a significant number. A very, very large number. But let’s move on and watch this.”

In 2025, the second edition of the Esports World Cup will once again take place in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.

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