Asmongold explains why he was so happy ImAllexx was exposed

Twitch streamer Asmongold commented on the abuse allegations against YouTuber ImAllexx, expressing his joy when the creator’s ex-girlfriend came forward.

On June 15, the YouTube community was taken aback when Alice, ImAllexx’s former partner, released an extensive 82-page document detailing her experiences of physical and emotional abuse at his hands.

In several videos, the YouTuber is said to have made threats to “bash her head against a wall with a brick,”and also used derogatory terms to refer to Alice.

During a Twitch live stream, Asmongold addressed the controversy surrounding ImAllexx, referencing past criticism of his “holier than thou”attitude and expressing a lack of surprise towards the current accusations against him. He shared his thoughts on the matter while streaming to his audience.

“He found it amusing to witness the exposure of a fake, seemingly kind person who turned out to be a complete and utter psychopath,”he stated. “This person was always trying to show off their supposed virtues, and I was pleased to see them finally exposed for their deceitful ways.”

Asmongold contended that individuals who adopt “fake personalities”are the most despicable, as they conceal their true selves behind closed doors.

The Twitch streamer dismissed the notion of ImAllexx releasing a large apology video, assuming that the YouTuber would prefer to stay silent and keep a low profile.

“Rats, such as this one, tend to hide in the shadows when exposed. Therefore, when they are exposed, like this individual, it becomes clear and unmistakable that they are nothing but rats.”

As of now, ImAllexx has not responded to the accusations in any way. It is still early since his former partner exposed the YouTuber, and it is uncertain whether he intends to make a statement.

Just like ImAllexx, other content creators have also faced backlash for alleged abuse. For instance, in May 2024, TikToker Angry Reactions announced his comeback to creating content despite having been arrested for domestic abuse and previously “quitting”social media. Despite maintaining his innocence, he continues to face scrutiny.

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