At least Team Rocket is safe from Pokemon Go’s new character models

Despite the changes made to character models in the latest update, Pokemon Go fans are relieved to see that the members of Team Go Rocket have maintained their original shapes.

The Rediscover Pokemon Go campaign includes various visual enhancements aimed at enticing players to return to the game, such as a revamp of avatars and the character customization system.

Despite receiving a negative response from fans, these changes have been implemented. This is because avatars now have a more youthful appearance, resulting in a loss of their original charm. Additionally, female character models have undergone alterations, resulting in straighter hips and broader waists.

Fortunately, the transformation into Servbots from the Mega Man Legends series has not affected all players in Pokemon Go. Both the Team Go Rocket Grunts and Leaders have kept their original appearance, which has brought immense happiness to fans on the Pokemon Go Reddit.

The visual update to Pokemon Go has not affected any of the other non-player characters. This implies that Professor Willow and Mateo are still as attractive as they were prior to the update.

We can only hope that the members of Team Go Rocket will maintain their beauty and not be altered to conform to the new aesthetic. It may be too much to expect that future NPCs will also be exempt from these changes.

Despite being portrayed as losers in the Pokemon anime, Team Rocket was adored by fans and their departure from the series alongside Ash and Pikachu was met with sadness. However, in Pokemon Go, they have emerged as the winners in terms of appearance, successfully evading Niantic’s updates with lightning speed.

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