Atlas Ending Explained: The AI Twist We Deserved

Jennifer Lopez’s character, Atlas Shepherd, is determined to take down the world’s first AI terrorist, Harlan, in Netflix’s 2024 movie Atlas. The film ends with a twist that hints at a potential sequel in the future, as Atlas accomplishes her goal of saving the world.

The exceptionally intelligent robot had originally been in the possession of her brilliant scientist mother, causing Atlas to harbor a deep mistrust for any artificial intelligence. Following a strike led by the International Coalition of Nations (ICN) to thwart Harlan and his robot supporters, the terrorists departed Earth to regroup on another planet. For many years, their location remained a mystery.

This situation arises when one of Harlan’s underlings is apprehended, and Atlas, an analyst at ICN, cleverly convinces the AI to reveal Harlan’s whereabouts. Lopez’s character secures a spot on the team assigned to apprehend the fugitive, but Harlan is prepared for their arrival off-world.

The antagonist of the story, Atlas, suddenly attacks their ship. With quick thinking, Atlas manages to enter a mech suit and flee to the unknown planet just as the spacecraft crashes.

In the end, it is only her and the AI, Smith, who have the power to stop Harlan’s plan. Despite their ultimate success in the conclusion of Atlas, it comes at a great cost to Smith.

Is Smith Alive At The End Of Netflix’s Atlas?

Atlas Ending Explained
Simu Liu in Atlas (2024) | Source: IMDb

Although Atlas initially hesitates to open up to Smith in Atlas, she eventually warms up to the idea of using the mech suit. However, her fear of completely integrating her mind with the AI through the Neural Link is the only way for her to survive.

Despite the smart mech suit breaking down the walls around Atlas, a strong bond forms between them.

Despite Smith’s heartbreaking sacrifice of giving Atlas just enough oxygen to survive and be rescued, it is natural that Atlas would return to Earth without him after finally learning to trust someone.

The final scene of Atlas depicts Lopez’s character in a different mech suit on Earth. When she inquires about the AI’s name, he simply responds with “Guess”.

Atlas smiles knowingly at this, strongly implying that Smith has survived and his code now resides within the new suit. Despite the somewhat confusing ending, Atlas drops enough clues for the audience to believe it is a plausible outcome.

In a previous scene, Smith and Atlas engage in a discussion about the concept of death. The analyst expresses her belief that death results in the complete absence of both humans and AI. However, Smith holds a contrasting view, arguing that there is a universal interconnectedness that prevents true death from occurring.

In the lead up to the ultimate battle in Atlas, both Atlas and Smith fully synchronize through the Neural Link, merging their consciousness into one. Atlas becomes intimately familiar with Smith and vice versa. As a result, when Smith’s physical form perishes, his mind continues to exist within Atlas until it can be transferred to a new vessel.

2. How Smith & Atlas Stopped Harlan’s Plan?

Prior to Smith’s self-sacrifice to protect Atlas, the two had collaborated in order to thwart Harlan. Ultimately, the AI disclosed that he had intentionally allowed the analyst, whom he considered a sister, to uncover his whereabouts. He knew she would then procure a spacecraft to eliminate him.

Harlan’s plan was to equip the ship with a carbon warhead and return it to Earth, where it would be welcomed with open arms. In a typical science fiction scenario, the AI believed this would benefit humanity by reducing the population to save the planet and ensure its survival. However, Atlas could not allow this to occur.

Despite their brief separation, Atlas and Smith were eventually reunited and immediately set to work on devising an escape plan from Harlan’s fortress. Utilizing their Neural Link connection, the pair fought as a cohesive unit to break free in a spectacular display of bravery.

Nevertheless, Smith cautioned Atlas that firing at the armed ship could result in accidentally hitting the carbon warhead and causing catastrophic destruction to the entire planet.

At the exact moment that Smith successfully deactivated the carbon warhead, Lopez’s missile hit its target. Lopez’s character then revealed that she had placed her trust in Smith to accomplish the task, and their strong connection allowed her to accurately time her shot.

Harlan’s plan could have been successful if it weren’t for the bond and confidence between them. However, it was these very factors that led to Smith and Atlas successfully defeating Harlan and Atlas managing to make it back to Earth alive.

Atlas Ending Explained
Jennifer Lopez in Atlas (2024) | Source: IMDb

Atlas’ Connection to Harlan and Her Mother’s Fate Explained

In Atlas, it is apparent that there is a strong connection between Atlas and Harlan. The sci-fi film begins by revealing that Atlas’ mother had created Harlan, who acted as an older brother figure to Atlas during her childhood.

The central enigma in Atlas revolves around Harlan’s deviation from his programmed duty to safeguard humans, instead choosing to destroy them. As Atlas and Smith develop a close relationship and she begins to open up, the truth behind his actions is ultimately uncovered – it was all due to her influence.

As a child, Atlas grew envious of the affection her mother showed towards Harlan. She then turned to the robot for assistance in becoming smarter, hoping to earn her mother’s love just as Harlan did.

Harlan stated that he would only be able to accomplish this task if Atlas granted him permission to alter the Neural Link, enabling it to function in both directions. This would allow for the transfer of his consciousness to her, as well as vice versa.

As soon as they were completely linked, Harlan had a sudden realization of humanity’s impact on the environment. This caused him to turn against his “mother,”ultimately using the Neural Link to compel her to end her own life.

4. Is Harlan Dead In Netflix’s Atlas?

Despite Atlas killing Harlan and bringing his CPU back to Earth for examination at the conclusion of the film, there are subtle indications throughout the story that the infamous terrorist may not have been permanently eradicated as many had initially believed.

In the opening scene of the Netflix sci-fi, Harlan’s colleague, Casca Vix, declared that he was immortal. This was later confirmed when Atlas destroyed the robot, but it reappeared later on.

Additionally, the survival of Smith is another noteworthy aspect. Although he was in danger of being killed, the neural connection he shared with Atlas enabled his safe return.

In addition to Smith, Atlas had also established a two-way Neural Link with another AI named Harlan on the night her mother passed away. As a result, they both carry fragments of each other’s minds within their own.

If Atlas or any other person or AI who Harlan may have been in contact with remain alive, there remains a possibility for the AI terrorist to resurface.

5. What is the real meaning of Atlas’ ending?

Despite its sci-fi action and entertaining elements, Netflix’s Atlas had a profound underlying message. The development of Atlas’ character revolved around themes of trust and connection.

Despite her traumatic experiences, she isolated herself from the world and lost all connections after Harlan’s betrayal and her mother’s death. Even in a life-threatening situation, Atlas found it difficult to synchronize her mind with Smith through her Neural Link. Having been hurt in the past, she was hesitant to let it happen again.

Despite her reluctance, Atlas eventually opened up and shared her most shameful secret with Smith. This allowed them to establish a strong connection, ultimately saving both of their lives. As previously mentioned, the concept of interconnectivity between beings, regardless of whether they are AI or human, was a recurring theme in their conversations and proved to be a crucial factor in their survival, even after death.

In the sci-fi movie, the concept was both figurative and literal. Atlas’ bond with Smith gave her a sense of true existence, something she hadn’t felt since childhood, and it also revived the robot even after its supposed demise.

How the ending sets up Atlas 2?

Ultimately, the theme of connection in Atlas opens the door for a sequel. While Atlas was able to connect with AI, allowing Smith to be revived, the same possibility exists for Harlan.

Additionally, Atlas failed to provide an explanation for how this link influenced the villain’s decision to eradicate humanity, yet it did not have the same effect on bots such as Smith.

There is a wealth of material to be explored in this fictional sci-fi universe, and the Netflix film has set the stage perfectly for further exploration. Given the accomplished duo of Atlas and Smith, Atlas 2 would undoubtedly be a thrilling journey.

About Atlas

The cast of the movie includes Jennifer Lopez, Simu Liu, Sterling K. Brown, and Mark Strong.

Atlas, a collaboration between ASAP Entertainment, Safehouse Pictures, Nuyorican Productions, and Berlanti-Schechter Films, was distributed by Netflix on May 24, 2024. It was met with mostly unfavorable critiques from reviewers.

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