Walkthrough Atomic Heart: Test Ground 10

Walkthrough Atomic Heart: Test Ground 10

Atomic Heart players are used to challenging puzzles and unexpected surprises. The testing grounds in Atomic Heart offer exciting challenges and unusual challenges, and Testing Ground 10 is no exception. While not as flashy as Testing Ground 11 or as violent as 9, Testing Ground 10 delivers a classic and all-encompassing experience.

Testing Ground 10 puzzles use candles, magnets, and timer doors. Two parts require the use of a polymer jet, so players must find it during the game. There is also a series of intense combat battles in the center of the facility, so it is recommended to bring ammunition and other resources with you.

Testing Ground 10 contains the following crafting recipes:

  • Copper: Kalash – Extended Store
  • Silver: Makarov Pistol – Collimator
  • Gold:
    • Dominator – High Intensity Modulators
    • Fat Man – Trap

How to get to range 10

To access Proving Ground 10, you need to perform just one simple action – use the terminal to gain control of the camera located at the entrance. Its location is shown in the screenshot above.

The difficulty of entering Proving Ground 10 lies in the fact that the front door opens only after turning on the power plant in the next room. Players need to use the Polymer Jet Pump to spray the gel on the power plant and then shock the gel and run through the door until it closes.

First puzzle

The first puzzle in Testing Ground 10 is easy. You need to take the candle that is in the holder above the exit door and throw it into the holder on the ceiling. Then you need to shake the magnets on the ceiling so that the candle falls out of the gap under the large window. Then you need to put both candles in holders above the exit door, press the button and quickly run away until the door closes.

Second puzzle

the second puzzle in polygon 10

The room has candles and a red button near the middle. There are two holders on the ceiling (A and B), where A is closer to the exit door, and B is closer to the entrance. Agent P-3 needs to bring a throwing arm with him.

Candle A is on a pedestal at the entrance, and candle B is attached to a post at the back of the room. The goal is to place both candles in holders above the exit door. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Take candle A and throw it into holder A. The magnets on the ceiling in this part of the room will be activated.
  2. Use the Shock device to flip the magnets on the ceiling.
  3. Take candle A and drop it into holder B.
  4. Use Shock to flip the magnets on the ceiling.
  5. Run along the platform and jump to the red platform under the bridge.
  6. Flip the magnets on the ceiling again. The platform will rise, bringing the R-3 up to the podium.
  7. Run down the catwalk to get candle B from the hole in the fence.
  8. Throw candle B across the room near the red button.
  9. Jump off the catwalk and run back to the platform.
  10. Use Shock to flip the magnets on the ceiling.
  11. Run across the lowered platform to the other side.
  12. Place candles A and B in the holders above the exit door.
  13. Press the red button and run through the door before it closes.

Then P-3 will go through the next corridor and get into the room with Medny Lutyagin. After that, he will pass along the corridor to a dilapidated room with a door and two power plants.

How to open doors in Test Ground 10

two-stage doors at test site 10

There are two doors here, one behind the other. They are powered by two power plants, which are located in adjacent rooms on both sides of the doors. To open the door, the player can use Shock to turn on one of the power plants. However, to go further, you must turn on both stations at the same time.

In order to power both power stations, players need to use the Polymeric Jet to spray the gel from one station to the other. They can then fire a shock at the gel. The electricity will pass through the gel and activate both power stations at the same time, allowing the player to pass through the two-stage doors.

After passing through the doors, the player must send a P-3 agent to several rooms to collect loot, save and upgrade cars. Then they will fall into a large space filled with cargo containers. The player must drop down to the right to open a gray chest and then go through a cargo container with an overhanging body to enter the Arena.


arena at range 10

Immediately after the P-3 enters this area, the battle begins. In the center of the room are four bunkers, each with two doors, an upper and a lower one, through which the robots exit. Before opening the exit door, P-3 must eliminate all enemies. The fight will be hard and close, but the P-3 has the advantage in numbers. It is important to attack the robots when they first appear from the doors, as they are inactive for a few seconds. If players hide behind cover, they will be able to bring enemies together and attack them with powerful melee attacks.

When all the robots are destroyed, you need to go through the red exit door in the fence. If the door is closed, players can climb onto the containers and then onto the catwalk that leads around the fence. Then you need to go to the yellow rails and use them to go to the next room, where there is a gray chest on the floor. You need to inspect it, and then go down into the hole in the floor next to it. In the next room, you need to collect everything you need and find the Silver Lutyagin at the far end of the room. After that, you can proceed to the final puzzle.

Final puzzle

Proving Ground 10 Final Puzzle

In this room, everyone is discussing the exact platformer. There is a door on the far side of the room, and a red button on a raised platform to the left. To open the door and exit the room, follow these steps:

  1. Jump onto the blue pillar next to the front door.
  2. Jump and jump to the next blue pillar.
  3. Drop down to the next blue pillar and then onto the platform with the exit door.
  4. Jump over the railing to the blue pillar next to the exit door.
  5. Jump onto the red platform and run across it to jump onto the catwalk platform against the wall.
  6. Jump to the large catwalk platform against the wall.
  7. Use Shock to flip the magnets on the ceiling.
  8. Jump onto the blue pillar and then onto the platform with the red button.
  9. Break the red button.
  10. Jump onto the red pillar in the center of the room.
  11. Jump over to the blue pillar.
  12. Use Shock to flip the magnets on the ceiling.
  13. Drop down to the next blue pillar and then onto the platform with the exit door.

After going through the door, the player will find the Golden Lutyagin in the room to their right. There is also a lounge and an elevator. You need to take the elevator back to the surface. The test site is completed.

Atomic Heart is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

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