Attitude of Gratitude: Enriching and Transforming Your Life

Attitude of Gratitude: Enriching and Transforming Your Life

The attitude of gratitude is for everyone to cultivate. As research in Positive Psychology is expanding, we are coming closer to identifying the benefits of expressing gratefulness towards self, others, and the world.

When we express gratitude, we choose to recognize what we already have. It helps us recognize the blessings, big and small, that surround us each day. By acknowledging and appreciating these aspects of our lives, we develop a deeper sense of contentment and fulfillment. There are many quotes that can inspire the feeling of thankfulness within you. One saying by Germany Kent that highlights the importance of an attitude of gratitude is:

“Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions. Once expressed, it changes attitude, brightens outlook, and broadens our perspective.”

Attitude of gratitude is practiced in various communities, in various forms. (Image via Unsplash/ Amadeo Valar)
Attitude of gratitude is practiced in various communities, in various forms. (Image via Unsplash/ Amadeo Valar)

Why is Gratitude Important For Our Mental Health?

What are the connections between expressing gratitude and mental health? (Image via Unsplash/ Donald)
What are the connections between expressing gratitude and mental health? (Image via Unsplash/ Donald)

Research show that gratitude can improve both our mental and physical health. Gratitude enhances self esteem, increases empathy, and even improves sleep. We spend a lot more time complaining than we do thinking about what we have to be grateful for.

Thus, practicing gratitude can be a game-changer, as it has far-reaching effects, from improving our mental health to boosting our relationships with others. A daily practice of expressing gratitude also imparts the following benefits:⁠

  • ⁠Increases feelings of happiness and fulfillment⁠
  • Improves self-esteem, empathy, and mental strength
  • Creates a greater sense of calm

Let’s explore the evidence-based benefits of cultivating an attitude of gratitude:⁠

⁠1) Boosts Well-Being

Your well-being is in your hands! (Image via Unsplash/ gabrielle Henderson)
Your well-being is in your hands! (Image via Unsplash/ gabrielle Henderson)

Practicing gratitude has been linked to a reduction in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. It can help you train your brain to attune to positive experiences and focus less on the negative ones. In conditions like Major Depressive Disorder, our brains become cognitive misers and choose to focus on the negative only.

2) Improves Relationships

Attitude of gratitude strengthens your current bonds with others. When was the last time you looked at your family members or friends, and expressed gratitude towards them or vice versa? In the midst of our busy lives, we forget to foster one of the basic attitudes that can enhance social relationships.

3) ⁠Enhances Emotional Health

These benefits are not a figment of imagination, but research backed up facts. (Image via Pexels/ Anna Shvets)
These benefits are not a figment of imagination, but research backed up facts. (Image via Pexels/ Anna Shvets)

Attitude of gratitude is linked to the areas of our brain that are responsible for emotional stimulation. This means that every time you think of something that you are grateful for or thank someone, it lights up some part of your brain associated with the other positive emotions.

4) ⁠Correlations With Physical Health

Imagine a life where you would wake up motivated to do something for yourself and others around you. You can live a life like this by taking out some time to foster the attitude of gratitude and impact your health and fitness. You are more likely to feel grateful towards your body, towards your trainers, and even your gym!

How to Practice Gratitude? Can I Learn the Attitude of Gratitude?

There isn't one specific way to express gratitude, it depends on what feels more comfortable to you. (Image via Unsplash/ Nathan Dumlao)
There isn’t one specific way to express gratitude, it depends on what feels more comfortable to you. (Image via Unsplash/ Nathan Dumlao)

It takes three minutes to foster the attitude of gratitude. Can you take time out this week to be thankful? If you do, try to think of three things you are grateful for and hold those blessings in your heart for the day. Apart from this, there are multiple ways in which you can express your gratitude. Now that you know it takes less time and is also backed by research, what is stopping you?

If you are feeling motivated, you can try keeping a gratitude journal. Take out some time, after waking up or before sleeping when you can sit down with your thoughts and express your thankfulness. It doesn’t need to have structure, and it doesn’t have to be something big either. Remember, the attitude of gratitude can exist for the most basic things like sunsets, water, and other things that get missed out.

You can also try to keep a gratitude jar, where you put a small paper with a gratitude wish every day. It truly is upto you, how you want to incorporate in a day. Practicing gratitude a day, keeps the stress away.

By consciously practicing gratitude, we can rewire our brains, strengthen our relationships, and experience a profound sense of well-being. By turning it into a habit, you can enhance your control over your wellness.

What would you like to express gratitude for today? Think about something that has brought you joy. Recognizing and being grateful for others and what you choose to do can boost your sense of feeling good. Attitude of gratitude is that secret sauce to a fulfilling life!

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a master’s degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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