Angel Studios has recently released its new film, Homestead, a gripping doomsday drama complemented by an accompanying television series. However, the dual-release strategy hasn’t been well-received by all viewers, with some expressing feelings of being misled.
Synopsis of Homestead
Homestead revolves around a group of families thrown into chaos after a nuclear bomb explodes in California. Their desperate search for safety leads them to a remote homestead in the Rockies. As their circumstances worsen, the families struggle to unify their differing survival strategies as they endeavor to protect their newfound sanctuary.
The film premiered on December 20, coinciding with the debut of the follow-up TV series. In our critical review, which assigned a one-star rating, we noted: “Homestead might not be sufficient to entice audiences into a multi-episode series, yet it also feels incomplete.” Many viewers seem to resonate with this sentiment, with an increasing number voicing their frustrations, even going as far as claiming they feel “scammed”by the film.
Viewer Backlash Over TV Series Connection
The film concludes with a cliffhanger, which is paired with a tantalizing sizzle reel hinting at future developments in the associated series. This unresolved ending has left numerous viewers feeling dissatisfied, prompting anger towards the movie’s promotional strategy.
One Reddit user cautioned others by stating, “Don’t get scammed into seeing Homestead. It was so awful. Basically, a two-hour trailer to set up the TV show. I bought tickets mainly because I was interested in the sweepstakes, and the trailer looked like something I would enjoy (I love anything post-apocalyptic), but what a waste of two hours.”
Another viewer noted the sweepstakes as a red flag, saying, “The sweepstakes was all I needed to see to know it was trash. They’re begging people to watch it. That’s not a great sign out the gate lol.”
Further criticism came from another viewer who declared, “I hated it. The setup makes no sense, and there’s a ridiculous bias against municipal government, turning those characters into caricatures. The ‘idiot ball’ problem is pervasive, as no one appears capable of solving the issues they face. Additionally, it turns out the narrative wasn’t a movie at all, but rather a pilot for a TV series.”
One more comment echoed a similar sentiment: “It’s pretty bad. I spent most of it thinking it might work better as a show, only for them to reveal that it is, in fact, a show. There are way too many characters with underdeveloped plotlines that ultimately don’t resolve.”
If you’re still interested in watching Homestead, you can find out how to access it through various platforms.
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