Avoid this common error when Masterworking gear in Diablo 4 to save time on grinding

Your Masterworked weapons could potentially be some of the most valuable gear in Diablo 4. However, make sure to avoid this mistake before it becomes too late and you end up wasting a significant amount of time in Season 4.

Despite being one of the most significant additions in Diablo 4 Season 4: Loot Reborn, Masterworking, along with Tempering, has undergone a complete overhaul of the upgrade mechanics for weapons and armor. However, even weeks after S4’s launch, there are still individuals making major errors with their Masterworked equipment.

Once you have Tempered a piece of gear in Diablo 4, you have the opportunity to enhance its Affixes and significantly increase its strength through a process known as Masterworking. This boosts the overall worth of the weapon or armor, making it a desirable item for players to potentially sell for a substantial amount of Gold.

Despite the decrease in gold drops during Season 4, some players are choosing to sell their valuable Masterworked gear to compensate. However, this is not the recommended course of action. Rather than selling, it is advisable to salvage your Masterworked gear.

Diablo 4 masterwork
Blizzard Entertainment

Masterworking your gear allows you to modify Affixes.

Although your Gold farming may be affected, salvaging Masterworked gear will yield a considerable amount of necessary materials for future Masterwork. Typically, these materials can only be obtained by farming The Pit, but salvaging them will reimburse most, if not all, of the materials used to obtain them.

According to Reddit user MRxSLEEP, it has been noted that when salvaging Masterworked gear, you will receive all the materials used to Masterwork the item, with the exception of the current Masterwork level. This results in a substantial amount of materials being returned, which holds more value than the Gold obtained from selling the gear.

Items such as Obductite, Neathiron, and Ingolith can be obtained from The Pit, but instead of spending hours battling enemies, salvaging previously Masterworked weapons can greatly assist in accumulating a large quantity.

In order to always have a supply of materials on hand, it is recommended to salvage your Masterworked gear instead of spending time farming The Pit. Speaking of The Pit, we have compiled a list of top Druid, Barbarian, and Necromancer builds to assist you in effortlessly defeating your enemies.

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