Avoiding Discomfort: Combating Constipation When Traveling

Avoiding Discomfort: Combating Constipation When Traveling

People with constipation have always found it challenging to go on a proper trip as it might disrupt their digestive ecosystem, and they might have to face irregular bowel movements when traveling. The main reason behind this happens to be the disturbance in the flow of the digestive system in the human body.

However, there are a few proven simple strategies one can opt for to maintain healthy bowel movements and ensure a comfortable journey. All the challenges faced during traveling, like alterations of daily schedule and changes in time zones, can be taken under control.

How to Alleviate the Risk of Constipation While Traveling?

Drinking water to prevent constipation when traveling (Image via Getty Images)
Drinking water to prevent constipation when traveling (Image via Getty Images)

One of the primary causes of constipation is dehydration, so while traveling, one should drink an adequate amount of water to keep the body hydrated. Carrying a refillable water bottle and making it a habit to sip water frequently will help throughout the day. One should avoid excessive consumption of sugary and caffeinated beverages as they can contribute to dehydration.

Further, including fiber-rich foods in the diet becomes essential for maintaining regular bowel movements, so the meals before the trip should contain a good amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

These foods provide the necessary bulk to the stool and help alleviate the risk of constipation when traveling. One should definitely consider packing some portable snacks like nuts, seeds, or dried fruits to have a healthy option readily available during the journey.

Regular Exercise and Mindful Eating

Sitting for prolonged periods can potentially lead to a slowed-down digestive system, which can increase the chances of constipation. Incorporating regular exercise into your travel routine can contribute to stimulating bowel movements.

Walking to prevent constipation when traveling (Image via Getty Images)
Walking to prevent constipation when traveling (Image via Getty Images)

On the road, it’s easy to indulge in fast food or choices of heavy meals, which can easily lead to problems like constipation when traveling. One should stay mindful of what to eat and opt for healthier options whenever possible, like including fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins in the meals.

Constipation when traveling (Image via Getty Images)
Constipation when traveling (Image via Getty Images)

On the other hand, avoiding excessive consumption of processed foods and opting for lighter meals that are easier to digest can help in preventing constipation.

Avoid Excessive Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption

While a cup of coffee or a glass of wine may be tempting during travelling, excessive caffeine and alcohol intake would surely contribute to dehydration and exacerbate constipation.

So, limiting the consumption of these beverages and opting for herbal tea or natural fruit juices instead will keep the body hydrated and support healthy bowel movements instead of just ruining the trip.

Using Laxatives for Constipation When Traveling

If the aforementioned strategies are still not enough to alleviate the problem of constipation when traveling, then the individual should consider using over-the-counter laxatives as a last resort.

Constipation when traveling (Image via Getty Images)
Constipation when traveling (Image via Getty Images)

A proper consultation with a healthcare professional becomes mandatory as the use of any medication like this might cause some side effects which may worsen the situation instead of making it better.

The professional can provide a guide through the process and fix the appropriate type of laxative along with the perfect dosage tailored to the need of the individual to avoid any potential side effects.

A good traveling experience (Image via Getty Images)
A good traveling experience (Image via Getty Images)

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