Ayaneo Pocket S price revealed as handheld finally launches

Ayaneo has initiated pre-orders for the highly anticipated Ayaneo Pocket S handheld, with shipping beginning in mid-May of this year.

The Ayaneo Pocket S handheld’s launch with the Snapdragon G3x gen 2 chipset has been a highly anticipated event for quite some time. However, the price point for this new Ayaneo handheld has remained a mystery, creating speculation on how it will compete with other handhelds such as the Ayn Odin 2 and Razer Edge.

Ayaneo has recently initiated the official Indiegogo campaign for the Pocket S, officially disclosing the prices for each model. As stated on the official IndieGoGo page, the Ayaneo Pocket S has a starting price of $479 for the 128 GB 1080p version and $509 for the 1440p Advance Edition equivalent.

Every version of the Pocket S is currently offering an early bird discount on the crowd-funding page, lowering the prices to $399 and $439 for the two available models.

Image of the price list for both versions of the Ayaneo Pocket S handheld.

The Ayaneo Pocket S is priced higher than other handhelds of its kind. The Ayn Odin 2, another Android-based device, was released with a starting price of $299, which is significantly lower than the cheapest early-bird options for the Pocket S. Despite the Ayn Odin 2’s inclusion of the strong Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, it is possible that the Ayaneo Pocket S’s use of the Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 chipset is what contributes to its higher cost.

The Ayn Odin 2 was equipped with a maximum storage capacity of 512 GB, however, the Ayaneo Pocket S will offer options of 128 GB, 512 GB, and 1TB versions for both the 1440p and 1080p models upon release. Additionally, the 1440p model will feature a 6-inch ultra-retina IPS borderless mirror screen and a CNC full-metal frame.

As of now, the Ayaneo Pocket S IndieGoGo page has successfully reached its goal. Currently, 223 backers have contributed over $133,116 towards the target of $6,353 for the Ayaneo Pocket S. With the goal met, the shipments of the 1440p and 1080p editions of the Ayaneo Pocket S are expected to begin between mid-May and late June.

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