Baby Reindeer: All of Fiona Harvey’s Tweets to Richard Gadd

Below are all of the tweets sent from Fiona Harvey’s Twitter account to Baby Reindeer creator, Richard Gadd.

After Baby Reindeer was released, internet detectives wasted no time in delving into the true identity of Gadd’s stalker. The name Fiona Harvey was soon brought up as the possible “real-life Martha”, but she has since refuted these allegations.

Throughout the Netflix series (which is gaining popularity as one of the most-watched shows on the platform), the character of Martha frequently sends numerous texts, emails, and online messages to Donny, the portrayal of Gadd in the show.

In truth, Harvey also communicated with Gadd through a series of tweets. However, it is unclear how many tweets she sent and what their content was.

Every Fiona Harvey tweet to Richard Gadd

In the years 2014-2015, @FionaHarvey2014 directed 19 tweets to Richard Gadd, all of which can be viewed by the general public. The tweets are listed below in chronological order.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On May 10, 2014, I sent a recorded delivery letter to the theatre for @MrRichardGadd to receive on bank holiday Monday. Did you receive it?

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On May 10, 2014, Fiona Harvey tweeted to Mr. Richard Gadd, urgently requesting a call from him regardless of whether or not he had the letter. She thanked him and explained that she had been locked out of Twitter but was now able to access it again.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On May 10, 2014, @MrRichardGadd and Doug have reconciled, which should bring you joy. I am leaving now, but I will be available by phone later.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On June 12, 2014, FionaHarvey2014 tweeted at MrRichardGadd, expressing how his tweets never fail to bring her joy, especially on the past three Saturdays when she was unable to get into Hawley. She also complimented his timeline.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On June 12, 2014, I came across a tweet ( by Fiona Harvey expressing her sadness about the passing of Rick Mayall. She also mentioned Caitlin Moran’s tribute to him on Newsnight.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On July 2, 2014, I had a conversation with Craig Friday, as reported in a tweet by Fiona Harvey (@FionaHarvey2014). However, when I spoke to Mr. Richard Gadd, he shared a different version of what we had discussed two Saturdays prior. This discrepancy has upset me.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On July 5, 2014, @MrRichardGadd was unable to speak with Craig, but promised to try and do so the following week. In the meantime, please call them.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On July 5, 2014, Fiona Harvey tweeted to Mr. Richard Gadd, expressing her difficulty in managing her account and not being able to keep track of her followers. However, she happily shared that she had recently acquired a new cooker, which was one thing off her to-do list.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On July 5, 2014, @MrRichardGadd, you may have already heard Jimmy’s side of the story. I would appreciate it if you could also listen to mine. I am not sure if you are following along or not.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On July 21, 2014, Fiona Harvey tweeted a message to Mr. Richard Gadd stating that one of the cafes in Camden near Castlehaven Road had caught fire. She hopes that he is doing well.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On September 1, 2014, I reached out to @MrRichardGadd via email and wanted to confirm if he received my messages or if I had the wrong address. Any update would be greatly appreciated.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On September 15, 2014, Fiona Harvey tweeted to Richard Gadd about the Scottish independence referendum, predicting a 60% yes vote and a 40% no vote. She also asked if he would be voting yes.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On September 19, 2014, FionaHarvey2014 tweeted, “@MrRichardGadd I am disappointed that the Scottish people did not have the courage to vote for independence. It seems that the postal vote was manipulated.”

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On September 19, 2014, @MrRichardGadd claimed that the Labour Party’s manipulation of the postal vote was the reason for the yes side’s loss. This has been my stance from the beginning.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On September 23, 2014, Fiona Harvey tweeted to Mr. Richard Gadd that her curtains were in dire need of being hung.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On December 18, 2014, Fiona Harvey tweeted a recommendation for Richard Gadd’s show to her followers, urging them to see it because it was well-written, neurotic, and featured some fantastic bum shots. She also praised Gadd’s performance, specifically his fantastic ass.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On July 17, 2015, Fiona Harvey tweeted a link to a tweet by Mr. Richard Gadd.

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On August 4, 2015, Fiona Harvey2014 tweeted to @MrRichardGadd, correcting his spelling of “Godot”as “godot.”

A screenshot of Fiona Harvey's tweet to Richard Gadd

On November 29, 2015, @MrRichardGadd tweeted “x”in response to a post by FionaHarvey2014 on Twitter (

To learn more about the current top show, check out all the TV shows and movies to watch after Baby Reindeer, as well as the most shocking moments from Piers Morgan’s interview with the show’s star.

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