Baby Reindeer Star Jessica Gunning on Avoiding the Real Martha

Despite the worldwide success of Baby Reindeer, Jessica Gunning, star of Martha, reveals that she has deliberately refrained from learning about the real-life Martha.

Following Richard Gadd’s plea, supporters of his popular Netflix show persisted in their efforts to find his actual stalker. They eventually discovered Fiona Harvey, who appeared on television for the first time to discuss the situation on Piers Morgan’s Uncensored show.

During her conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, Gunning was questioned about her thoughts on the reported situation of the real-life Martha interacting with individuals on social media.

“To be completely honest, I’ve made an effort to steer clear of anything like that because I lack knowledge on the subject. The true identity of this individual is something I am not well-informed about,”she responded.

Gunning’s intention was to remain ignorant of the real individuals who served as inspiration for the show, in order to avoid any potential distortion of her perception of them.

“She explained that her portrayal of the character was based on her own interpretation rather than an impersonation, and she didn’t want anything to interfere with the clear image she had in her mind.”

The star of Baby Reindeer continued to emphasize Gadd’s perspective on the issue, stating that it is not the main focus of the show.

“Gunning continued to express his admiration for the bravery shown by the individual in telling their story from their own point of view. He acknowledged that the individual had every right to do so and he fully understood their impulse to do so.”

“In today’s society, there is a keen interest in true crime narratives, particularly in one that has gained as much popularity as this show has. While I recognize the rise of armchair detectives, I believe it takes away from the true essence of our show.”

In another part of the interview, Gunning also shared that she portrayed the character so convincingly that some fans mistake her for Martha when they see her in public.

She shared, “There have been some amazing people who have approached me to express their love for it. Others have even requested to take a selfie with me, but playfully added, ‘I won’t be giving you my number,’ or something along those lines. It’s always a fun experience.”

To learn more about the Netflix series, read on for an explanation of the ending of Baby Reindeer. Additionally, discover other noteworthy TV shows and movies to add to your watchlist and the top series of 2024 thus far.

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