Baby Reindeer: Understanding Richard Gadd’s Explanation

Baby Reindeer: Understanding Richard Gadd’s Explanation

Despite the success of Baby Reindeer, Richard Gadd’s Netflix series based on his personal experience with stalking, the ambiguous ending has left viewers feeling slightly perplexed. Let’s take a look at the creator’s perspective on this.

A woman enters a bar, visibly upset and with no money. The barman hesitantly inquires about her distress, and upon learning that she cannot even afford a cup of tea, he kindly offers her one at no cost.

In Baby Reindeer, the opening scene could be mistaken for the start of a joke or a romantic tale. However, it quickly becomes clear that it is the start of a nightmare for Martha (Jessica Gunning). She becomes consumed by a dangerous obsession with Donny (Gadd), leading her to infiltrate every aspect of his life, including his relationship with Teri (Nava Mau) and his career in stand-up comedy.

After enduring seven grueling episodes, Martha is ultimately removed from Donny’s life. However, the final scene of the show deliberately leaves room for interpretation. Viewer discretion is advised as the content may be distressing for some.

How does Baby Reindeer conclude?

Despite being arrested and serving a nine-month prison sentence for stalking Donny and harassing his family, Baby Reindeer ends on a hopeful note. Donny, who had been raped years before, is visited by Darrien and offered a job. In the emotional final scene, Donny tearfully listens to a voicemail from Martha, the woman who had caused him so much pain. He orders a drink at the pub, but cannot afford it. However, the kind barman offers it to him for free.

Martha in court in Baby Reindeer

Despite seeking the assistance of the police, Donny is ultimately his own worst enemy throughout the series. He fails to provide them with sufficient information and his accounts of his interactions with Martha are not entirely accurate. However, the station’s staff sergeant offers him some unofficial guidance: if Martha’s messages become increasingly menacing, the police have the authority to arrest her.

As expected, after a few months, Martha declares that she is prepared to harm either him or his family, resulting in her arrest the following day. Donny attends her sentencing, where she is given a custodial sentence and a five-month restraining order. As she is being taken away, the two lock eyes.

Afterwards, Keeley, his former girlfriend, pays him a visit at his flat. He has transformed his bedroom wall into a collection of items he has received from Martha and all the information he knows about her. She suggests that he moves back in with her mother, and he consents. While unpacking in his old bedroom, he comes across a box containing his Hangman Harry script. This prompts him to pay a visit to Darrien, the successful comedy writer and producer who had groomed and sexually assaulted him.

Darrien not only praises his own vulnerability in his breakdown video, but also extends an invitation for Donny to join him at work once again, promising that it will be a different experience from their previous one. Donny expresses his excitement for the opportunity, but as he leaves, he breaks down in tears on the street.

As he strolls to the pub, Donny listens to Martha’s voicemails. He begins with the more pleasant ones, then proceeds to the one where she addresses him as “baby reindeer.”In the last scene, he requests a vodka and coke, only to realize that he has left his wallet behind. Thankfully, the barman reassures him and offers the drink for free.

Why are Baby Reindeer Fans Confused About the Ending?

Baby Reindeer is an intense and unsettling journey, and although its conclusion resolves many plot points, its final scene leaves room for interpretation.

Donny in Baby Reindeer

As he sat alone and crying without any money, did he see himself in Martha’s shoes for the first time? It made him wonder if Martha had also experienced a similar ordeal in her life, and if her deep attachment to Donny was a result of her own overwhelming trauma.

On a discussion thread for Netflix on Reddit, a user proposed the idea that the main character “realized”that the female protagonist is going through the same struggles as he is currently. They both have experienced empathy and kindness in difficult situations, and he understands her because they are not so different after all. He sympathizes with her and has no intention of obsessively following the bartender, but is simply processing his newfound realization.

Another user also shared a similar sentiment, stating: “Donny likely realizes that Martha is in a similar situation as himself.”This idea is further emphasized when the bartender shows sympathy and offers Donny a free drink, just as he did for Martha.

What does Richard Gadd think about the final scene of Baby Reindeer?

Although Richard Gadd has not explicitly provided a detailed explanation of the ending of Baby Reindeer, he does consider the final sequence to be the strongest aspect of the series.

Richard Gadd in the final scene of Baby Reindeer

According to Radio Times, he expressed his fondness for the ambiguous ending of “Baby Reindeer”by stating, “I prefer not to give it a specific meaning. It can be interpreted in various ways. In my mind, I have a clear understanding, and I must say, the ending is my favorite aspect of the entire series.”

“From inserting the headphones to listening to the entire voicemail, that scene is my favorite part of the entire series. I appreciate the various interpretations it can have. I am eager to hear people’s thoughts on it.”

Upon reading the final scene, Gunning experienced goosebumps. She described it as a moment of a broken character being shown an act of kindness, similar to the journey of the female lead. Gunning believed that the character gained a deeper understanding of the significance of this moment, making it a clever and powerful conclusion to the story. She was thoroughly impressed by how well this scene was translated onto the screen.

Why Does Martha Call Donny Baby Reindeer?

Donny’s nickname, given by Martha, is derived from a beloved toy from her childhood. While she doesn’t elaborate on her past, it’s evident that she endured abuse and her “baby reindeer”was a source of solace for her.

Martha in Baby Reindeer

Donny listens to a final voicemail, where Martha recalls a cherished childhood toy that she carried everywhere. Her earliest memory, she explains, was at Christmas when she was sitting with a paper hat on her head and a baby reindeer by her side, as seen in an old photo.

“Despite everything, this reindeer was my one source of comfort. It was so soft and adorable, with its plump lips, enormous eyes, and the most darling little rear end. I’ve held onto it all these years – it was the only bright spot in my childhood. Whenever my parents fought, I would squeeze it tightly. They fought often, as you know. And now, looking at you, it’s like seeing that same reindeer. You have the same nose, the same eyes, and that same sweet little bum. It holds such a special place in my heart, just like you do.”

What Happened Between Donny and Darrien?

In Episode 4 of Baby Reindeer, it is revealed that Darrien was the one who committed the sexual assault and rape against Donny many years ago.

Darrien in Baby Reindeer

Prior to meeting Martha, Donny had already made a name for himself by performing at the Edinburgh Fringe. It was during this time that he crossed paths with Darrien, the lead producer of a popular sketch show. The two immediately hit it off and Darrien assisted Donny in perfecting his routine. They also enjoyed going out for drinks together and indulging in recreational drugs, all while discussing the potential of Donny’s career.

Donny frequently visits Darrien’s apartment, where they collaborate on his script. However, their time together is mostly spent consuming various illicit substances. Whenever Donny loses consciousness, Darrien takes advantage of him sexually. One night, during a particularly intense blackout, Darrien rapes him.

Gadd described the experience as challenging, stating that returning to these memories was tough. He felt an urgency to express everything at once, fearing that if he took a break, he would lose the momentum.

The revelation shocked many individuals, especially those who were involved in the show. It was a difficult read and task for them. I had not confided in anyone about some of the experiences. While I had previously disclosed instances of sexual abuse and other terrible events that had occurred to me, I had not delved into such specific and detailed accounts. It was a challenging and uncomfortable situation.

Despite viewers questioning why Donny would return to Darrien’s home after his actions, Gadd explained to GQ that it is the most authentic scene in the show.

Abuse causes both psychological and physical damage and can leave lasting effects. This is especially true in cases where the abuse is repeated and accompanied by promises.

It is a common occurrence for individuals who have experienced abuse to feel dependent on their abusers. The ending of the show was not intended to be cynical, but rather shed light on a lesser-known aspect of abuse – the enduring and detrimental psychological consequences of being attached to one’s abuser. This is unfortunately a deeply ingrained issue that has not been addressed on television before.

Did Teri and Donny end up together?

In the finale, Donny walks by Teri’s flat and notices her with another man, indicating that they do not reconcile.

Teri and Donny in Baby Reindeer

Donny’s relationship with Teri is based on deception: he uses a false identity to hide his attraction to trans women. After leaving her on a train, he comes clean and she becomes rightfully angry, telling him to leave. Later, she unexpectedly appears at one of his performances, only to have it disrupted by Martha who exposes a vulgar email sent from Donny’s email account. In response, Teri flees to a nearby pub.

After discovering them, Martha savagely assaults Teri, viciously pulling out clumps of hair from her scalp. Donny once again deceives Teri about speaking to the authorities (although he did, he deliberately omitted any mention of the attack). Despite this, their relationship gradually improves. However, when Donny makes a desperate attempt to trap Martha, Teri reaches her breaking point and decides to end all ties with him.

In an interview with GQ, Gadd shared that he had developed feelings for someone who was transgender, but this also brought about a lot of self-doubt and shame due to his young age.

“When Martha entered the picture, I saw it as a strange challenge to my masculinity. This man’s life had been deeply affected by sexual violence, yet he was still pursuing a career in comedy. He was also in a relationship with a trans woman, but kept it hidden while indulging in a woman who supported his traditional views. The character I created was caught between these conflicting and opposing forces.”

If you’re looking for something to watch on Netflix, be sure to check out Baby Reindeer, which is currently streaming. Additionally, don’t miss our recommendations for other TV shows to stream this month, as well as some highly acclaimed true crime documentaries.

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