Bad Boy Boss Fight Guide for Alan Wake 2: Number One Fan

Now available is Night Springs, the initial significant expansion for Alan Wake 2. This expansion allows players to experience the perspective of various characters from the Alan Wake and Remedy shared universe. The first installment, titled “Number One Fan,”follows Rose Marigold, Alan Wake’s devoted admirer. It is a thrilling and brief journey, culminating in a showdown with the antagonist, Bad Boy, who happens to be Alan Wake’s identical twin. This guide offers the most effective strategies for defeating him.

Bad Boy Boss Battle Guide

During this battle, it is recommended that you make frequent use of your shotgun, particularly its fully automatic fire mode which can be engaged by holding down the left mouse button. Upon entering the arena, you can also turn to your right and collect some provisions from the box located on the trunk of a blue car.

The primary attacks of the Bad Boy consist of launching several heart projectiles that cannot be evaded and do not detonate on their own. To counter this, you must use your shotgun to shoot them down. It is crucial to maintain some distance between yourself and the projectiles, as you will likely be struck if you are too close.

The next assault is a heart shockwave, but it can be avoided with relative ease. It is typically launched from a distance, giving you ample opportunity to evade it.

During the battle, you can also collect items from various boxes and containers located in the boss arena. I observed a total of 3, not including the one at the beginning.

It is recommended to continue utilizing the automatic fire mode to shoot the antagonist whenever possible. In situations where close range is not possible, the rifle can be used to take a few shots. Despite its effectiveness, the rifle’s slow reload speed may make it a less practical weapon, particularly when facing projectiles.

Once you have inflicted sufficient damage, the Bad Guy will transform into a werewolf and begin sprinting around the arena. This, in my opinion, makes things easier as you can now take multiple shots without having to concern yourself with the shockwave or projectiles.

The bike belonging to Bad Guy will also transform into a werewolf, adding another wolf to your list of adversaries. However, with the use of a shotgun, it should not be too challenging to defend yourself.

It is highly unlikely to run out of ammunition during this battle. In the rare case that you do, there are numerous supplies, such as painkillers, scattered throughout the map. Once the Bad Guy has been defeated, you can interact with him once more.

When compared to some of the battles in the original game, the antagonist, who is essentially a toned-down version of Scratch, is relatively simple, all things considered.

The recent update also includes the much-desired photo mode and several bug fixes.

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