Bakugo’s trauma is a touchy subject for My Hero Academia fans (& his constant comparison to Todoroki proves it)

In My Hero Academia, tragedy serves as a driving force for character development. Whether it is in their past, present, or future, the Heroes in the story are faced with challenges that make them grow and become stronger. Each individual endures a unique fate that ultimately shapes them into the Hero or Villain that they are known as today.

Some fans have compared these instances according to the individual’s experiences and the level of endurance required.

Yet, when it comes to Katsuki Bakugo, the My Hero Academia fandom can be somewhat delicate.

The Sensitive Topic of Bakugo’s Trauma in My Hero Academia

Post on X regarding My Hero Academia characters' childhoods (Image via X)
Post on X regarding My Hero Academia characters’ childhoods (Image via X)

As the story of My Hero Academia unfolded, viewers were able to learn about the backgrounds of each character. Each one had a distinct story, but a common thread among them was the presence of tragedy or hardship. This inevitably sparked discussions and comparisons among fans about which characters had faced the most difficult childhoods or past experiences.

This subject sparked a lot of discussion on social media among fans of My Hero Academia. As previously mentioned, characters like Shoto, Shigaraki, Toya, and others have undergone intense and traumatic events that have shaped them. When examining the students of U.A., Katsuki Bakugo is also a significant character to consider.

This topic appeared to have become a sensitive issue. To put it plainly, Bakugo had a relatively normal childhood, especially when compared to other characters like Shoto. He did not experience any significant traumas that greatly influenced his personality.

However, Shoto’s situation was different. As he was considered the “perfect offspring,”his father put him through rigorous and almost inhuman training, preparing him to take on the mantle of the next Number 1 Hero. His mother, too, resorted to extreme measures, such as throwing a kettle at him, as the sight of his scarred face reminded her of her husband.

Once more, when Shigarki’s Quirk manifested, he was unable to control it. As a result, he unintentionally caused the death of his entire family, with only the severed hands he now wears as a grim reminder of their existence.

In addition, Touya was driven by Endeavor’s lofty standards and continued to train in the woods despite his injuries, resulting in severe burns.

Public response to this controversial topic

The discussion prompted a swift response from fans of My Hero Academia, who eagerly shared their opinions on the topic.

Shoto Todoroki (kid) in My Hero Academia (Image via Studio Bones)
Shoto Todoroki (kid) in My Hero Academia (Image via Studio Bones)

Despite the belief that Bakugo had a smoother path than his peers, some argued that while he may not have faced external challenges, he still struggled with internal turmoil which manifested as his fierce and angry nature.

“I’m talking about Katsuki before the age of 14 years. At age 5, Shoto was having his face burned. Izuku had his dreams crushed. Ochako was carrying his family’s financial situation. Shigaraki…please,”wrote @Cutecchan on X.

The individual who initially shared the tweet about X went on to provide more details about their thoughts. @Cutecchan went into greater depth about the severity of Shoto, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Shigaraki’s situations in contrast to Bakugo’s. The prospect of lifelong scars, shattered dreams, or the burden of financially supporting one’s family were on a much higher level than what Bakugo had to endure.

@WGB05112004 posted:

“Bakugo life is the easiest out of all of the characters. Powerful Quirk, popular kid, has friends, happy family…”

A different fan also shared their support, pointing out that Bakugo’s childhood had been mostly positive until he entered U.A. His Quirk had been exceptionally strong from a young age, leading to his popularity, and everything seemed to be going well at home. Overall, he had little to complain about.

A netizen stated:

“The only bully in the manga got one normal childhood and loving household, its insane.”

Similarly, fans unanimously agreed that while Bakugo was known for being a bully in his youth, he was the only one who had a relatively normal childhood. He experienced the typical stages of growing up and came from a supportive and affectionate family.

Katsuki Bakugo in My Hero Academia (Image via Studio Bones)
Katsuki Bakugo in My Hero Academia (Image via Studio Bones)

Another user of X wrote:

“I think weirdly enough if everyone else is a cautionary tale on how bad things in society affect young people, bakugou is almost the opposite in the sense that having an absolutely perfect life with no upbringing and learning nothing made him into a miserable and angry person.”

On the other hand, there was another perspective in this debate. It was believed that Bakugo’s seemingly normal childhood may have actually caused him internal struggles. Unlike characters such as Shoto and Shigaraki who were negatively influenced by society, Bakugo’s lack of guidance and learning in his privileged upbringing may have resulted in his misery, anger, and aggression.

@46Luvv847206 expressed their thoughts on this matter:

“Definitely didn’t have external issues but internal tho. His very low self-esteem. Why he constantly feels the need to prove himself, especially with Deku cause he believes he was above him.”

A fellow My Hero Academia enthusiast also agreed with this view, adding that Bakugo had personal struggles. Because he was constantly praised and put on a pedestal, he became arrogant and targeted Deku. As Deku’s strength increased, Bakugo felt compelled to constantly prove himself because of his low self-worth.

Links that are connected:

Is Bakugo’s fate explored in My Hero Academia? The possibility of the hero’s death is examined.

In My Hero Academia, Bakugo has helped out his friends a total of 8 times.

What is the origin of Todoroki’s scar in My Hero Academia?

In My Hero Academia, there were 4 students who had difficult childhoods, while the other 4 had relatively normal upbringings.

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