Baldur’s Gate 3 Actor Gale Discusses Parenthood’s Influence on Iconic Spider Dialogue

Baldur’s Gate 3 actor Tim Downie reveals the amusing inspiration behind the iconic moment when Gale admonishes players for licking a deceased spider.

For numerous players, the Wizard of Waterdeep stands out as a favorite character and a prominent romance option, thanks to his captivating personality, questionable choices, and distinctive dietary requirements.

Gale delivers some of the most memorable lines throughout Baldur’s Gate 3, often providing witty remarks and insights during the journey. One notable line occurs during the Gauntlet of Shar, where players can bizarrely opt to lick a spider carcass.

In a conversation with Fall Damage, Tim Downie recalled most of Gale’s response when players lick the dead spider for the first time.

However, it’s the phrase, “Stop licking the damn thing!” that Gale shouts if players proceed to continue the act, which has resonated with players since the launch of Baldur’s Gate 3.

In unedited footage from the interview, Downie shared some intriguing behind-the-scenes insights regarding that line, including real-world experiences that influenced his delivery.

Discussion of the Sharran Temple and Gale’s initial spider line begins at 0:39.

When queried about the line he is most often asked to repeat, Downie revealed that “Stop licking the damn thing”is a common request.

He elaborated that the line was not originally meant to be delivered in the final way that players hear it, explaining, “When I did it, we recorded it quite straight.”

“In the very last take, I imagined talking to my own kids if they continuously engaged in similar behavior, like picking something up off the floor and eating it… ‘Stop licking the damn thing!’ Yeah, and that version stuck.”

Prior to this revelation, many fans connected Gale’s reaction to his encounters with Tara the Tressym, with one viewer commenting on a video highlighting that his line delivery has “The energy of a man who owns a cat.”

Downie’s parenting experiences certainly add an intriguing dimension to the line and the frustration behind Gale’s admonition – though let’s hope for Downie’s sake that his children haven’t licked anything as vile as a spider carcass.


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