Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Multiclass Builds Ranked

Baldur’s Gate 3 provides a wide range of character classes and subclasses for players to select from. However, you have the option to further enhance your protagonist’s abilities by multiclassing, blending together the most advantageous elements to create a distinctive hybrid character.

Upon reaching level two in Baldur’s Gate 3, players will have the option to multiclass. Additionally, Withers at the Camp offers the ability to respec characters, providing ample opportunities to try new combinations or revert any unsatisfactory choices.

Multiclass Tier List for Baldur’s Gate 3

baldur's gate 3 recruit minthara
Larian Studios

Minthara can benefit from tapping into infernal magic

Listed below are the top multiclass choices in Baldur’s Gate 3, along with their justifications for ranking.

  • The best multiclasses to play are those that synergize well and complement each other’s styles.
  • A = Although some of these multiclasses may not have compatible stats, they all offer unique and powerful advantages in gameplay.
  • B = Although they may not be the top multiclass in the game, they can offer a unique experience for those seeking a specific aspect.
Tier Multiclass
S Paladin / Warlock — Fighter / Barbarian — Sorcerer / Warlock
A Cleric / Sorcerer — Rogue / Ranger — Fighter / Rogue — Bard / Rogue
B Paladin/Sorcerer — Monk / Rogue

Top Multiclass Combinations in Baldur’s Gate 3

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3
Larian Studios

Give Wyll some holy powers to counteract Mizora’s influence

The combination of Paladin and Warlock.

This leftover character design from D&D 5E presents a conflicting character concept. After all, it seems impossible to be a holy knight while also having a pact with an evil supernatural entity.

Coming up with a creative backstory will lead to one of the strongest character builds in the game. As a Warlock, you have the unique ability to regain spell slots during a Short Rest, allowing you to use more powerful spells without worry. Additionally, you will excel in using Eldritch Blast, widely considered the most effective ranged Cantrip in the game.

This combination also allows you to prioritize other abilities over Strength, but it may require some advancement before it is fully effective. Upon reaching Warlock level 3, you can choose Pact of the Blade, granting you the ability to use your Charisma modifier for attacks and making you a formidable combatant with a strong social presence.

When considering different builds, the combination of Oath of Vengeance Paladin and The Fiend Warlock is highly effective. With Oath of Vengeance, players gain access to powerful combat abilities and debuff spells, while The Fiend offers the added benefit of Dark One’s Blessing, providing temporary hit points upon defeating an enemy.

While there are various level combinations that could be effective, a Paladin 7/Warlock 5 build may prove to be the most advantageous. With seven levels in Paladin, you gain access to Extra Attack, Aura of Protection, and a subclass feature, while the five levels in Warlock provide you with level 3 spells.

The fighter or barbarian.

The Barbarian and Fighter classes are known for their strong early abilities, but can become monotonous in later levels. However, by combining them, you can enjoy the benefits of both classes throughout your journey.

The Fighter offers superior armor proficiencies, Second Wind, and Action Surge, while the Barbarian boasts incredible hit points, Rage, and resistance to various types of damage, transforming you into an unstoppable force fueled by strategic fury.

The ideal combination is a blend of Battle Master Fighter and Berserker Barbarian. This pairing allows the addition of numerous combat techniques that can be utilized to inflict debilitating effects on enemies, while also granting access to a more potent form of Rage and additional offensive moves.

A combination of Barbarian 8 and Fighter 4 is an excellent choice in terms of effectiveness. The Barbarian levels provide access to Feral Instinct, two Feats, and the level 6 subclass feature, while the Fighter offers their own subclass, a Feat, and powerful abilities at lower levels. For those who prefer a different trade-off, opting for Barbarian 9 and Fighter 3 allows for the exchange of Brutal Critical for an additional Feat.

The combination of a Sorcerer and a Warlock is a powerful force to be reckoned with.

The combination of classes is incredibly potent in Dungeons & Dragons, and this holds true for Baldur’s Gate, despite the absence of certain spells in the game.

Both classes utilize Charisma, but the Sorcerer subclass offers additional spells and improved methods for utilizing them through Metamagic, providing a significant advantage for the Warlock. Alternatively, the Warlock subclass provides more armor proficiencies, increased hit points, and access to the popular Eldritch Blast, making it a beneficial choice for either class.

The main goal is to primarily play as a Sorcerer, but also to take a two-level dip into Warlock in order to gain access to Eldritch Blast and Agonizing Blast. The final combination will be a Sorcerer at level 10 and a Warlock at level 2. This means sacrificing access to level 6 spells, but you will have the most powerful Cantrip available at your disposal.

When it comes to subclasses, Storm Sorcery offers the incredible ability to fly and escape, while The Fiend grants additional hit points through Dark One’s Blessing.

A-Tier Multiclass Options in Baldur’s Gate 3

Shadowheart in Baldur's Gate 3
Larian Studios

Shadowheart can be a master of thunder & lightning with a respec

The class of Cleric/Sorcerer is a combination of both Cleric and Sorcerer abilities.

These experts of the tempest are among the top spellcasters in the game, due to their ability to manipulate thunder and lightning through magical incantations.

The plan involves investing two levels in Tempest Domain Cleric and ten levels in Storm Sorcery Sorcerer. The Cleric levels provide additional armor proficiencies, but the primary purpose for choosing this holy path is to gain access to Wrath of the Storm (a potent counter Reaction attack) and the formidable Destructive Wrath ability.

By using Destructive Wrath, you have the ability to utilize Channel Divinity to maximize the damage of any Thunder or Lightning spell. This allows you to unleash immense amounts of damage with spells such as Lightning Bolt. Additionally, as a Storm Sorcery subclass, you can further enhance your electricity for even greater effects.

Rogue and Ranger

The Rogue’s already impressive combat skills can be further enhanced by merging with the Ranger, as their incredible synergy makes them an even more formidable force.

The optimal combination is a multiclass of 7 levels in Hunter Ranger and 5 levels in Assassin Rogue. This combination provides access to Defensive Tactics, Extra Attack, updated versions of Favoured Enemy and Natural Explorer, as well as spells from the Ranger levels. Additionally, the Rogue levels grant 3d6 Sneak Attack, Cunning Action, and Uncanny Dodge.

This combination of classes is perfect for players who prefer either strong ranged builds or dual-wielding, particularly if they decide to concentrate on the Stealth skill.

The combination of Fighter and Rogue classes is known for its versatility and cunning tactics.

Similar to the Ranger/Rogue, the Fighter/Rogue is also a formidable combination, with a slightly different level distribution. This combination allows you to incorporate the abilities of Sneak Attack and increased mobility into your fighter build.

The plan is to combine Battle Master Fighter 5 and Assassin Rogue 7. This will provide you with additional armor and weapon proficiencies, Second Wind, Action Surge, a Feat, the abilities of a Battle Master, and Extra Attack. Additionally, the Rogue class offers Cunning Attack, 4d6 Sneak Attack, Uncanny Dodge, and Evasion.

This particular build may not prioritize Stealth as much, but utilizing the advantages of Sneak Attack can greatly enhance your role as a frontline fighter, as long as you possess the means to gain Advantage on your attacks.

This paragraph refers to the class combination of Bard and Rogue.

The ultimate master of skills. This combination of classes ensures that you never have to worry about failing a skill check, making it ideal for building a party of warriors who handle combat while you handle all other tasks.

The optimal combination is a level 9 College of Lore Bard and a level 3 Arcane Trickster Rogue. The Rogue gains access to 2d6 Sneak Attack, Cunning Action, and a few extra spells, while the Bard gains a plethora of spells, Cutting Words, additional skill proficiencies, and the ability to cast spells from various lists.

By utilizing the vast skill selection of the Rogue and incorporating the Bard’s Expertise, Jack of All Trades, and Bonus Proficiencies, the goal is to gain additional advantages in all skills. With the added charisma emphasis of the Bard, you will possess the ability to successfully evade danger in any situation.

B-Tier Multiclass Options in Baldur’s Gate 3

baldur's gate 3 monk
Larian Studios

The Monk can be enhanced with some Sneak Attacks

A combination of Paladin and Sorcerer.

This peculiar combination focuses on utilizing the Sorcerer’s ability to convert Sorcery Points into spell slots, in order to effectively use Smite spells. This allows for a continuous stream of potent Smites during combat.

This build combines 6 levels of Oath of the Ancients Paladin with 6 levels of Storm Sorcery Sorcerer. The Paladin provides proficiency with armor and weapons, Extra Attack, and Aura of Protection, while the Sorcerer levels grant access to level 3 spells, multiple Metamagic abilities, and a second subclass feature.

This combination of classes allows you to utilize a variety of strong physical attacks infused with magic, while also delivering long-range damage with your mystical spells.

The character is a combination of a Monk and a Rogue.

This combination of classes will transform you into a skilled ninja. By taking 9 levels in Open Hand Monk and 3 levels in Thief Rogue, you will be able to utilize your fists to strike down your enemies. This build will result in a Dexterity-focused character, excelling in combat at close distances.

The concept is that the Thief provides an extra Bonus Action during combat, which can be utilized alongside Flurry of Blows to execute additional attacks. Additionally, you can take advantage of Sneak Attack and Cunning Action, all while utilizing the impressive melee abilities of the Open Hand Monk, making it a formidable subclass.

How to multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3: All playable races, subraces & their abilities
Larian Studios

There are several ways to multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3

When starting a new game in Baldur’s Gate 3, your character will begin as a level 1 protagonist. As you progress, you will have the option to multiclass every time you level up. To do so, simply press left or right on the level up screen when your class and abilities are displayed. This will allow you to choose a different class to add the level to.

After adding Withers to your party, you will have the option to speak with him and pay a fee to respec one of your characters. This will allow you to utilize the aforementioned method to distribute all of your earned levels according to your preference.

Should you multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3 – pros & cons

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3
Larian Studios

Gale won’t benefit much from deviating from the path of the Wizard

Multiclassing offers a significant advantage by providing access to additional class features and proficiencies that would not typically be available. This can include granting spellcasters increased hit points and improved armor choices, allowing warriors to acquire more skills for use beyond combat, and enabling stealthy characters to utilize a diverse array of magic.

It is recommended that novice players who are not familiar with D&D refrain from multiclassing. While you may not create an unplayable character, it is more advantageous for those who have experience and know what to expect in the game to tinker with the rules and try out different builds.

Multiclassing in Baldur’s Gate 3 has two major disadvantages. One is that primary spellcasters, such as Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard, will not have access to their most powerful spells and full number of spell slots. This can greatly hinder their abilities in the later stages of the game.

The minor downside is that you may not have access to as many features and it may take longer to obtain them. However, this is not as significant since several Feats in Baldur’s Gate 3 are unimpressive and can be disregarded.

In summary, these are the steps you need to know in order to multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you want to try out different build options, you can learn how to respec your character. Additionally, you can also refer to the top Sorcerer, Bard, and Barbarian builds for guidance.

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