Baldur’s Gate 3: How to complete Sarin’s skeleton puzzle

Sarin’s remains, including her skull and skeleton, lie hidden within the Undercity Ruins in Baldur’s Gate 3. In order to put her spirit to rest, players must reunite these pieces. Here is a guide on how to solve the puzzle and claim the Magic Amulet as a reward.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, players can discover numerous hidden side quests by thoroughly examining various items. Unexpectedly stumbling upon Sarin’s puzzle in the Undercity Ruins will lead to discovering her skeleton and skull, which unlocks valuable rewards in Act 3.

This is the location of Sarin’s skeleton and skull in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Where to Locate Sarin’s Skull in Baldur’s Gate 3

While exploring the Undercity Ruins in Baldur’s Gate 3, you can discover Sarin’s skull hidden in a pouch at X: -156, Y:946.

Upon acquiring the skull, a Headless Ghost will trail the party in the sewers and will only retreat once the party exits the area or the skull is transported to camp. To fully dispel the ghost and claim your rewards, you must locate Sarin’s skeletal remains.

Locating Sarin’s Remains in Baldur’s Gate 3

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Sarin’s remains can be found in the Lower City Sewers, located at X: -123, Y: 831. The coffin of Sarin is protected by Aelis, a deranged sorcerer, and his grease elementals. Upon speaking with Aelis, it is revealed that Sarin was once his ally and was ultimately killed by the Cult of the Absolute.

Sarin's coffin location in BG3
Running Studios

Try not to step on the grease as to not alert Aelis while getting to Sarin’s coffin.

With a 20 Charisma Check, you may persuade him to allow you to reach the skeleton, but failing may result in a confrontation. Alternatively, a high jump ability or use of the Misty spell can also grant you access to the room where the skeleton is located. It is important to note that you can avoid being noticed by Aelis by not stepping on the grease.

Upon arriving at the coffin, you can place Sarin’s skull onto its skeleton to fulfill the quest and receive your reward.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Solving Sarin’s Puzzles for Great Rewards

Upon completion of Sarin’s skeleton puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3, a rare Magic Amulet will be bestowed upon you. This Amulet bestows the Innate Fortitude passive, enabling you to utilize a reaction to gain Advantage on one Attack Roll or Saving Throw per Long Rest.

This covers all the necessary steps to solve Sarin’s puzzle in BG3.

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