Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Save Alfira as Dark Urges

Many Baldur’s Gate 3 players playing as Dark Urges experience one of the most heartbreaking moments in the game when they realize they must kill Alfira. However, this is not necessary, and here is how you can save it.

Alfira is one of the most beloved characters in Baldur’s Gate 3, which makes it even worse when players who start a new game as Dark Impulses find out they’re going to have to kill her.

There is, however, a way around this problem. So here’s everything you need to know to save Alfira as Dark Impulses.

Who is Alfira in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Alfira is a Tiefline Bard from Baldur’s Gate 3 who you first meet in the Emerald Grove.

When you first enter the Grove, you can find her playing her lute, on a hill. The touching moment between your character and Alfira is often what made players fall madly in love with her.

How to save Alfira as Dark Impulses in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 players who want to save Alfira as Dark Urges must KO her while she is in The Emerald Grove.

Quil in Baldur's Gate 3
Running Studios

Quil in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 lets you toggle non-lethal damage, and it’s the safest way to ensure Alfira survives.

Before leaving to move on to Act 2, Alfira will appear at your camp and beg you to come with her. If you push her away, the butler will kill her. If you agree to her joining the group, you will then be forced to kill her yourself.

So you need to make sure to find her in the Emerald Grove and KO her before going for a Long Rest so that she doesn’t appear in the camp. Otherwise, you will have lost your chance to save her. If you do, Quil will appear in your camp in his place.

The gruesome cutscene where you kill the Bard will still play out, but with Quil instead. So, you will still get the Deathwalker Cloak as a reward for killing one or the other. This cloak grants you the ability to turn invisible for two turns every time you kill an enemy.

Why does Dark Impulse kill Alfira in BG3?

Alfira in Baldur's Gate 3
Running Studios

Alfira talking to Dark Impulses in Baldur’s Gate 3

Dark Urges kills Alfira in Baldur’s Gate 3 because he is unable to resist his urges.

Alfira’s fate is sealed if she appears in your camp. The player chooses whether or not to resist their character’s murderous urges, depending on the type of game they want.

Even though the player has control over most of these choices, they cannot resist the urge to kill Alfira. Therefore, her fate is sealed if she appears in your camp, whether you accept it or not.

Now that you know how to save Alfira in Baldur’s Gate 3, take a look at some of our other guides:

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