Baldur’s Gate 3 Paladin strategy makes defending Halsin’s portal easier

In Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3, a player has discovered a Paladin-based strategy that can make defending Halsin’s portal a little more manageable.

Upon finishing the “Wake Up Art Callugh” side quest during Act 2, players of Baldur’s Gate 3 have the opportunity to aid Halsin in dispelling a dark curse through the “Lift the Shadow Curse” mission.

The secondary mission involves the protection of the portal that Halsin enters, which is a difficult task due to the game’s toughest battle. Therefore, adequate preparation is crucial, particularly considering the relentless attacks from hordes of undead enemies determined to destroy the portal.

The key to success in this quest lies in relying on Clerics, Paladins, and other wielders of magic weapons. Recently, players have also uncovered a new tactic to increase Halsin’s chances of survival on his journey back.

According to Lazzitron, a Reddit user on the Baldur’s Gate 3 forum, a Level 9 Paladin with access to the Level 3 Warden of Vitality spell can heal allies within a 30-foot range for 2d6 hit points. This also applies to Halsin’s shadow portal, according to the player’s claim.

The user clarified that it appeared to supersede any coding that would normally prevent the portal from being healed. Additionally, as Warden of Vitality is not a Concentration spell, it cannot be disrupted by enemies dealing damage to players.

The advantage of this strategy for healing is indeed slight. Even a skilled Tav would still prefer to enter the battle fully prepared. Nevertheless, every small contribution can make a difference in the end – Halsin would surely appreciate any additional aid given.

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