Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 7 Makes Boss Fight Extremely Challenging

Patch 7 has increased the difficulty of some bosses in Baldur’s Gate 3, with one in particular causing players significant trouble.

Baldur’s Gate 3’s Honour Mode introduces D&D combat elements, such as Legendary Actions, which allow bosses to act at the end of player turns. These mechanics are designed to balance the action economy, where a group of characters can overwhelm a single adversary, especially when using debuffs or status effects.

Larian Studios has indicated that certain bosses would be made even more formidable in Honour Mode. Fans on the BG3 Reddit are expressing concern that the difficulty might be excessive, particularly regarding the Bulette boss found in the Underdark, which has become exceedingly hard to defeat for players at the appropriate level.

New Bulette is Busted by u/CinaedForranach in BG3

The Bulette gains a substantial advantage through its Diamond Scales condition, providing it with 100 temporary hit points, a Grounded condition that prevents it from being moved, and immunity to damage from attacks dealing 15 or fewer hit points in a single strike. Additionally, when it is hit for the first time each round, it can use the powerful Shredding Scales attack in retaliation.

The 15-point damage restriction poses a significant challenge, forcing players to commit to high-damage attacks, which are limited at levels 4-5 when players typically encounter this creature.

One player shared their experience, stating, “5 barrels of Smokepowder Barrels went off. Bro took 30 damage and shrugged off most of it. I ran away, might retry with the Runepowder, but damn. Approach with extreme caution in the new patch.”

Another user remarked, “I am absolutely baffled by how much they over-tuned the Bulette. I haven’t been able to come up with a good way to kill it other than to have a party consisting only of great weapon masters/sharpshooters.”

One strategy suggested for dealing with the Bulette involves exploiting its weakness to fear. A player recounted their tactic, “I just got him on Honour Mode yesterday – he’s still weak to fear. Just pin him down with fear and then I had War Cleric Shadowheart, ek thrower Lae’zel with tb and Rogue/Fighter Astarion. I also had Glut and Hook Horror homie who proned him for me.”

The Bulette can be a tough opponent even in standard gameplay due to its brutal attacks, particularly its ability to knock characters prone. This enhanced version poses an even greater threat, leading many players to avoid direct confrontation in the Underdark during Honour Mode runs.

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