Baldur’s Gate 3 Pickpocket Trick for Guaranteed Wealth

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player has revealed a simple method for pickpocketing and stealing gold from NPCs, even during an Honor Mode playthrough.

Obtaining gold can be a challenge, particularly for those who are not inclined to frequently traverse the world, collect items, and sell them to nearby merchants. However, a quicker alternative that avoids the inconvenience of carrying extra weight is pickpocketing.

Although there is always a possibility of failing the sleight of hand check and facing the wrath of the NPCs, savescumming provides the opportunity to retry until you obtain all desired items. However, this strategy is not applicable in Honor Mode.

Nevertheless, a player has revealed a pickpocketing technique on the subreddit r/BaldursGate3 involving the use of a Hireling. This method ensures a safe and reliable way to obtain gold, no matter what type of playthrough you are running.

To start, it is recommended to visit Withers and enlist the help of Brinna Brightsong, a Halfling who belongs to the Lightfoot subrace and has the advantage of being skilled in Stealth Checks.

Baldur's Gate 3 Withers looking off-screen
Baldur’s Gate 3

Having Wither’s Hirelings join your party can be so useful in many situations in Baldur’s Gate 3.

To continue, she should remain a bard but adjust her stats to 16/17/8/10/8/14. “Select Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and Persuasion for Skill Proficiencies. Be sure to acquire the Minor Illusion cantrip, as well as Disguise Self and Longstrider as initial spells. The others are not as important,”the user advised.

After reaching level 3, opt for the College of Lore subclass. Then, select Sleight of Hand and Stealth as Skill expertise once more, acquire Invisibility as your level 2 spell, and exchange one of your level 1 spells for Enhance Ability, as you plan on utilizing Cat’s Grace to gain advantage on Dexterity rolls.

At level 4, make sure to choose the Athlete Feat and raise your Dexterity to 18. Obtain the Silver Pendant, Gloves of Power, Smugglers Ring, and Leather Armour +1, all readily available in Act 1. This will give you a solid +11 bonus to both your Sleight of Hand and Stealth abilities.

To enhance her abilities and equipment, the player recommended casting Enhance Ability – Cat’s Grace on Brinna so that she could use her concentration for Guidance from the Silver Pendant. With everything in order, leave the group at camp and have Brinna venture out alone to traders in areas that have already been cleared, using Disguise Self.

Starting from this point, extinguish any light sources before finding a suitable hiding spot. Once in Turn-Based Mode, use Brinna’s abilities to pickpocket without difficulty and take their belongings.

If by any chance you are caught, the player advised to select attack, activate invisibility, and flee. Once the NPCs are no longer hostile, you can then repeat the same process. This strategy is meant for worst-case scenarios.

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