Baldur’s Gate 3 Player Devastated After Astarion Leaves Him Following Crucial Decision

Baldur’s Gate 3 Player Devastated After Astarion Leaves Him Following Crucial Decision

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player ruined his chances with Astarion by forcing him to commit an act unforgivable to the vampire.

Baldur’s Gate 3, voted Game of the Year, continues to impress players with its plot twists.

Astarion is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after companions in the franchise. His devilish charm and tragic past have seduced many players. And for not respecting some of the trauma Astarion suffered in the past, one player was left devastated. Warning, spoilers!

Baldur’s Gate player gets dumped by Astarion

Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3
Running Studios

In a Reddit post, player u/MookieV shared his pain with the Baldur’s Gate 3 community. He explained that there is a risk in forcing Astarion to bite Araj Oblodra and drink his blood.

“After Araj Oblodra bit him, we had a little debriefing in camp,” the player said. “The breakup was a stab. This made me feverishly search for an old backup where I could fake the conversation and say the right things.”

These events weigh heavily on Astarion’s past and the experiences he has had. It appears that players may find themselves faced with choices that could result in a breakup with Astarion.

Astarion dumped me. byu/MookieV inBaldursGate3

A player explained his refusal to let Astarion bite Araj Oblodra. “I said he could make his own choices and I said no to him biting her if he didn’t want to.”Back at camp, he still felt guilty like he should have done it. I think it’s easy to underestimate how disturbed he was by Cazador and what he was forced to do.”

If players want to maintain their relationship with Astarion, they will need to pay closer attention to his feelings and his past. Otherwise, they could face the same consequences as this Baldur’s Gate 3 player.

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