Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers ‘abused’ weapon after 500 hours of gameplay

Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers ‘abused’ weapon after 500 hours of gameplay

Sometimes in your playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, you get lucky and find an overpowered weapon that crushes the opposition. Other times you find a gun that’s literally abused. This is one of those times.

During an adventure in Baldur’s Gate 3, a player discovered a weapon that he had “never seen” in his 500 hours of play. Believe us when we say this weapon is abused.

No, literally, it’s the Twisted Wand of Fireballs and if it’s twisted, it’s because someone broke it. Luckily, you won’t need our guide on how to add fire to weapons for this one. It’s integrated.

Reddit user u/Impressive-Time8757 found the Twisted Wand of Fireballs on the corpse of a gnome in the Underdark. We probably don’t need to tell you that its uses are quite limited.

i have never seen this after 500 hours byu/Impressive-Time8757 inBaldursGate3

The weapon’s effect reads: “You can use an action to throw a Fireball from this (broken) wand. All (very) nearby creatures must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. Targets take 8-48 fire damage on a failed save, or half that on a successful one.”

Simply put, the wand makes you explode. It’s a perfect example of Baldur’s Gate 3’s humorous approach to adventuring, and it all feels very D&D.

“This always seemed like more of a story point to explain what happened to the corpses there,” one user explained in the thread. That’s because you find her surrounded by a pile of charred bodies.

One player did come up with an interesting strategy, though, so it’s not entirely useless. “Combined with the Oil Barrels in the Selunite Outpost and some Smoking Powder, you can kill the Duergar leader in one hit. But the person using the wand will die. Or at least that’s what happens every time I do it.”

So, if you’re looking for an overused weapon for your next playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, you can’t do better than the Twisted Wand of Fireballs.

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