Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers how Wyll can stay human without killing Karlach

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the majority of “good”decisions result in consequences. For instance, if you wish to keep Karlach in your party, it is highly probable that Wyll will transform into a Devil. Nevertheless, a player has recently uncovered a solution to this problem.

When encountering Karlach in Baldur’s Gate 3, you are faced with two options: Either kill her or persuade Wyll to spare her. If you choose to spare her, Mizora will inevitably punish Wyll and transform him into a Devil.

Keeping Wyll human is a difficult task, as it requires killing Karlach, which is not an ideal decision for most players. Nevertheless, it has been found that one can avoid this by simply knocking Wyll unconscious every evening in camp.

“According to ‘FranLivia’ on Reddit, the only solution I found in Act 1 was to knock out Wyll before using the bedroll for a long rest every night. This prevented the Mizora cutscene from playing in Act 1 while Wyll was unconscious.”

Upon reaching Act 2, Mizora made no mention of Wyll not killing Karlach and instead requested for her associate in Moonrise Towers to be rescued. It was then revealed that it was possible to preserve Wyll’s humanity and save Karlach, as long as he was knocked out before every long rest in Act 1.

This approach is effective because Mizora’s cutscene in camp is unable to activate if Wyll has been knocked out, meaning she will not appear for his punishment cutscene.

Previously, players had various methods at their disposal to achieve this, such as defeating Karlach and reviving her once Mizora arrived at camp. However, it has been reported by players that this approach is no longer effective and has been addressed through patches.

Therefore, despite the significant effort required, maintaining Wyll’s original appearance seems to have little impact on the overall story. However, if you have ever questioned the possibility of this, you now have your answer.

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