Baldur’s Gate 3 player receives unexpected buff due to bug

Baldur’s Gate 3 player receives unexpected buff due to bug

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player received a lasting buff thanks to a small bug and an unintentional Gerringothe Thorm.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a surprising amount of bugs for a Game of the Year winner. For much of its player base, this is part of the game’s charm.

Some are fortunate occurrences, like when they allow your player to stay alive despite dropping to zero HP. Others are downright nightmares, like the save-wiping bugs that plagued the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox consoles.

Difficult encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3 leads to beneficial bug buff

Reddit user u/Jamesbondbadil luckily experienced one of the first instances after Gerringothe Thorm turned a majority of their group into gold. After the battle, the positive effects of being transformed into an opulent statue persisted for much of their adventure.

I got turned to gold and kept the resistances all Act 2 byu/Jamesbondbadil inBaldursGate3

For some context, being turned into gold in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be a big nuisance because, well, it turns you into gold. This renders you immobile and essentially useless until the end of the encounter.

While being a great gold statue, of course there are some advantages. Slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage, whether from magical or non-magical sources, is reduced by half.

Fortunately for u/Jamesbondbadi, the party members that Thorm turned to gold retained these resistances for the rest of the game’s second act. They also noted that the buffs persisted after many long rests.

There was a hint of jealousy among other players for whom Baldur’s Gate 3’s bugs were a little less beneficial. “Meanwhile, I lost the ‘permanent’ Aunt Ethel’s hair bonus the first time I used fast travel,” one player lamented.

Unfortunately for u/Jamesbondbadi, the buff wore off somewhere during the third act, which is a bit of a shame.

Resistances to a range of damage types would have come in handy during the tough fights in the late game.

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