Baldur’s Gate 3 player shaken by irreversible loss of companion

Baldur’s Gate 3 player shaken by irreversible loss of companion

Baldur’s Gate 3 is an incredible game, but there are times where certain incidents are almost inexplicable. This happened recently when a boss killed a companion so violently that the player was unable to resurrect him.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players come across shocking revelations every week, even though the game has been out for a while now. The RPG is full of secrets and some bugs that will create unexpected situations.

One such shock came in Baldur’s Gate 3 when a player was fighting a boss and Shadowheart was killed to the point that he couldn’t resurrect her. The player was distraught as he had no idea how this happened.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player in shock after boss turns Shadowheart into ‘inanimate object’

The discussion around the topic was started by user bigmeunite. He posted a screenshot of Shadowheart’s body lying on the ground, completely inanimate by the boss. He also clarified that he could not resuscitate her since he received the message: “you cannot reanimate inanimate objects” .

When this happened I was in shock lmao byu/bigmenunite inBaldursGate3

This led to other players joining the conversation as they found the situation rather amusing. One player mocked Shadowheart’s tattered body: “That’s Shadowheart, and Shadowliver, and Shadowlungs, and Shadowguts.”

Another user added: “Now I have to explain to the whole team why there is coffee on my helmet.”A player also commented: “If Wither can’t do it, Shadowheart will definitely remain a pile of viscera. I bet he can make it though.”

So, most of the comments were laughing at the problem since the situation is quite funny. It’s these moments that make Baldur’s Gate 3 a memorable game.

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