Baldur’s Gate 3 Players Are Stealing from Volo and It’s a Brilliant Idea

In Baldur’s Gate 3, it is common for stealing to result in significant trouble, especially if you are caught. Even if you manage to avoid being caught, you may still face disapproval from your companions. However, the risk is worth it when it comes to stealing from Volo, as the rewards are well worth any potential consequences.

The utility of looting the empty pockets of impoverished Volos was recently uncovered by enthusiasts of Baldur’s Gate 3 on the game’s Reddit page, when a player shared the rewards that can be obtained from one of the most frustrating NPCs in the game.

“Is there anyone else who also spends 2 hours per run taking from Volo?”inquired the player, elaborating that they enjoy having an abundance of coins and endless camp supplies, potions, and scrolls. The game becomes much more enjoyable for them when they don’t have to constantly sort through non-unique loot from enemies and keep track of their camp supplies.

A screenshot of Volo from Baldur's Gate 3
Larian Studios

Although other NPCs and enemies may possess small amounts of currency, basic weapons, or armor, Volo consistently offers a wide range of valuable items, such as gold, scrolls, thieves tools, potions, and as mentioned before, “infinite camping supplies.”

Some fans were pleasantly surprised to learn about this clever solution for obtaining supplies. One fan even mentioned that Volo serves as a trader in the camp, offering items like thieves tools, healing potions, and spell scrolls.

Moreover, they disclosed that he remains non-hostile even after being pickpocketed, allowing you to continuously steal from him throughout the entire game. This grants you unlimited access to scrolls, gold, supplies, and essentially everything a spellcaster requires.

Despite being the least popular spellcaster class in Baldur’s Gate 3, it is highly recommended to take advantage of Volo’s presence in your camp and search through his belongings for potential powerful spells or useful resources. You never know what valuable items you may discover.

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