Baldur’s Gate 3 players convinced Blight is secretly plotting against you

Baldur’s Gate 3 players convinced Blight is secretly plotting against you

After speculation about what Witheril whispers to Arabella, the community of Baldur’s Gate 3 realizes that she could be far more dangerous to them than they thought.

Arabella is a young character in Baldur’s Gate 3 who is sent away from the camp by Blight, but not before receiving an unknown message from her.

This moment challenged a player who took to social networks by storm to question what he said to the young girl before she left.

But what they discovered was that Arabella might be a much more important – and nefarious – character than he thought.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players think Arabella has a powerful future

The original question on Wither’s comment was raised on Reddit by player DeviousCham. He explains how Witheril sends Arabella away after whispering something to her.

“So what sordid lie did Witheril tell Arabella?”Or maybe he knows something I don’t and my game is doomed for good?»

Withers lied to Arabella byu/DeviousCham inBaldursGate3

While many people responded to this question with humor, one answer was very serious. Here are the heavy implications expressed by the player: “That Arabella will be the one to lead you to your doom” .

Another Baldur’s Gate 3 user then explained how the game takes place in the Forgotten Realms of D&D, meaning there will always be a group of adventurers out to seize power. “It’s not a maybe. It’s sort of the logical order of things.”

The original poster didn’t seem to want to accept this reality, since he claims to be the “main character”of this world.

But that’s no excuse for others. As one player says: “Do you think every future story set in Faerûn is going to take place in a world dominated by the Abyss Brain? lol. You are clearly destined to fail off-camera before the next campaign.”

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community will probably never officially know what Blight said to the girl. However, if their theories are correct, it doesn’t bode well for power-hungry fans.

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