Baldur’s Gate 3 players divided by Shadowheart’s romantic success

Although Shadowheart is considered the most popular love interest in Baldur’s Gate 3, fans can’t seem to agree on why.

In December 2023, Larian Studios shared several interesting statistics related to Baldur’s Gate 3. The news confirmed what many had long suspected. Indeed, Shadowheart is the most popular love interest. In fact, 51% of players had reached the end of his romantic arc.

Of course, the numbers could be somewhat skewed because people may play the game multiple times. But, still, the fact that Shadowheart won over more than 50% of the players is not insignificant. Particularly if we take into account the competition from other companions.

As for why so many players easily fall for the half-elf, fans can’t agree.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Fans Debate Over Popularity of Shadowheart Romance

Reddit user u/codefinbel, wrote a lengthy post explaining why he thinks Shadowheart is such a popular love interest. He first highlighted the “most obvious reasons” . First of all, he thinks BG3’s audience is mostly heterosexual men. Secondly, he argues that her popularity could be due to her being one of the first companions in the game.

However, the player notes that there could be another logical explanation: “Shadowheart is the only ‘human’ looking companion and the only ‘traditionally’ female companion.”

He continued, “All the others have strong traditionally masculine attributes.”

On why Shadowheart is the most romanced companion byu/codefinbel inBaldursGate3

Other fans seem to disagree with this way of thinking about Shadowheart’s romance in Baldur’s Gate 3. One of the most popular responses says that “the sequence of events is very natural with Shadowheart.”

The player further argues that Larian Studios has done everything to make Shadowheart easy to court. Someone else pointed out that she basically tells players how to seduce her.

An even more popular comment joked: “The guy wrote a whole book, simple: EMO NANA WITH AN OEDIPUS COMPLEX.”

Shadowheart in Baldur's Gate 3
Running Studios

Others added more thoughtful theories. Someone who added that it’s not just straight men who like Shadowheart. Indeed, it also seems very popular with lesbian and bisexual women.

The user continued his explanation. “Bi and lesbian women love her too (she might as well be a closeted 14 year old bi who is really into Evanescence) which I think is a big reason why she’s not just l ‘most popular love interest but also has the simple majority behind her’.

Those aligned with this thinking have argued that Shadowheart’s voice also makes her particularly attractive.

Whatever the reason for the obsession with Shadowheart in Baldur’s Gate 3, it seems there are many explanations for which her romance is worth pursuing.

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