Baldur’s Gate 3 players explain why Spirit Coins are “useless”

Baldur’s Gate 3 players recognize that item collection should be limited to Faerun, but remain confused about the use of Spirit Coins against Mind Flayers. Here’s what the community has to say.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has many special items and scrolls that can be used to obtain powerful buffs and skills. While many fans decide to put them to good use, some say they don’t understand the hype surrounding Spirit Coins. This item is particularly highlighted as being useful forKarlach, one of the most popular companions.

Spirit Coins are presented as rare and mysterious items. They are only found in secret hiding places or as a reward for some side quests. According to D&D, it is a form of currency in the Nine Hells, from which Karlach manages to escape thanks to the invasion of the Mind Flayers.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players quickly discover that Karlach can use Spirit Coins to gain bonus damage from her Infernal Engine, although this may end up consuming her. As the story emphasizes the danger and uniqueness of these items, fans admit to forgetting them instantly.

Players find Spirit Coins useless in Baldur’s Gate 3

Recently, Reddit player u/Secret-Ad7591 raised the subject in a post. He asked, “Is anyone using Spirit Coins or am I just being lazy?” “. The players quickly responded. “I didn’t use them in my first game because I thought something bad would happen. Like, Karlach is overheating, what if using too many spirit coins makes her melt or something? Also, using them seems a bit evil? “, commented one of them.

Many players have admitted to hoarding Spirit Coins, thinking they might come in handy during Act 3. “Then ending the game with an unused deck full of them, because no matter how hard things got, I always found myself convinced that there could be an even tougher fight just around the corner.”

Does anyone actually use Soul Coins or am I just lazy? byu/Secret-Ad7591 inBaldursGate3

Some fans think that the main problem with Spirit Coins is that they are highlighted. Indeed, Larian included them in Karlach cutscenes. This leads players to believe that they are strictly related to the main story of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Players then consider them as “one more item to accumulate” . So, fans have suggested that Spirit Coins could have been used specifically during Karlach quests.

“Imagine if they dissipated the accumulated energy from its engine. But at the cost of the definitive loss of the soul in the room. You then have to choose between stabilizing Karlach which will probably save a lot of people or the other option of finding a way to revive the souls of the rooms. “, suggested a player.

Larian Studios having hinted that Baldur’s Gate 3 could have DLC, some believe that the Spirit Coins would be more relevant.

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