Baldur’s Gate 3 Players Left Confused by Monk’s Bizarre Ice Cube Ability

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are expressing their confusion over the reasoning behind one particular ability in the Monk class.

Similar to all other classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, players have demonstrated immense creativity in developing Monk builds that cater to their preferred style of gameplay. Soon after the game’s release, a player devised a Monk/Rogue multiclass that proved to be an unstoppable force in combat.

Despite their efforts in experimenting with different builds, many players have discovered that their choices of abilities are often ineffective.

In a post, Reddit user gankfrombush brought attention to the questionable usefulness of the ‘Shaping of the Ice’ ability. This ability allows Way of the Four Elements Monks to summon ice cubes out of thin air.

According to the Redditor’s comments, they have not found a valuable purpose for the block that was referred to as a “climbable ice cube.”

Is There a Purpose for this Ability? byu/gankfrombush inBaldursGate3

According to its description, this skill is most useful for players who wish to gain the advantage of higher ground. One individual responding to the post described it as “a portable elevation, allowing your Eagle Heart Barbarian to always have the choice to strike foes from the top rope.”

In addition to climbing, the cube also has other useful functions. Players can use it to defeat enemies by dropping it on them, block doors, activate pressure plates, and even use it as a shield during stealth missions.

Moreover, a commenter on the post mentioned that the ice can serve as a “floatation device”during Dungeons & Dragons games.

During the conversation about the Monk’s cube ability in Baldur’s Gate 3, users took the opportunity to make some Companion Cube jokes, showing their appreciation for the ability’s versatility.

The response with more upvotes than the original post reads, “The Weighted Companion Cube will not make any threatening remarks and is incapable of speaking.”

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