Baldur’s Gate 3 players praise the game’s most underrated NPC

Part of the Baldur’s Gate 3 community is taking the time to praise one of the game’s most underrated NPCs.

There are a lot of characters to interact with in Baldur’s Gate 3, and it’s easy for some of them to go unnoticed when talking about the game. Take Withered, an undead NPC who resides in player camps. He is very popular, but rarely mentioned as Shadowheart or Karlach.< /span>

But now, part of the community has decided to praise Wither as a character who is fun to talk to.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players praise the underrated NPC Wither

A post was recently published on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, titled: “It Needs to Be Said.” This post from playeru/Self_Aware_Goldfish is about Withered. He explains that: “the guy who looks like a dried-up sack of balls” deserves to be celebrated. “His monotonous way of saying his lines kills me every time.”

The comments seemed to agree with this opinion. Most Baldur’s Gate 3 players appreciate his personality, friendliness, and deadpan humor.

It needs to be said byu/Self_Aware_Goldfish inBaldursGate3

Some people even compare him to people they might know in real life. One user writes: “Flétriss has the same energy as that former CEO at work who should be enjoying his retirement going fishing and tending to his garden, but who has to be called back to the office because his successors ruined everything and ‘He now has to clean up their mess in addition to training the new recruits from scratch to replace them.’

Blight is such a likeable character that one player explains that his character ended up turning to Blight. He is one of the many characters from Baldur’s Gate 3 that fans of the game are increasingly liking.

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