Baldur’s Gate 3 players reveal toughest early game boss & it’s not who you think

Baldur’s Gate 3 players reveal toughest early game boss & it’s not who you think

Even in the early stages of Baldur’s Gate 3, there is always something waiting to be discovered. These players were reminded the hard way that there is a secret battle that can easily defeat even the most powerful character.

Despite Baldur’s Gate 3 being released for a while now, players continue to discover insane scenarios that Larian Studios intentionally included in each act. Although many believe that there are no more surprises to be found in Act 1, a few users have recently discovered a small creature hidden in a swamp that is best to avoid if one wishes to progress further in the game.

In a Reddit discussion titled “The Fear-Inducing Thing,” enthusiasts came together to discuss the potential risks of provoking the Addled Frog. This adorable amphibian can be spotted in the Sunlit Wetlands (X:-22, Y:309) while searching for the Hag’s secret lair, and will swiftly issue threats to anyone who approaches.

Despite its small size and solitary nature, the Addled Frog is not to be underestimated. Those who have dared to challenge it have quickly learned that its formidable skills leave no room for survival.

A user commented that during their first playthrough, they were surprised when a frog tried to fight them after they had been rude. They initially thought the frog was foolish for attacking their capable group due to its small size, but soon realized their own mistake when they were defeated and experienced a total party kill.

The Addled Frog is adept at evading attacks and can even reflect spells back at its enemies. However, the greatest challenge lies in surviving its Venomous Discharge, which poisons all members of the party and inflicts damage.

Another comment read, “I unintentionally assaulted the frog and instantly felt remorseful. Just imagine a DLC where the Monty Python Rabbit and frog joined forces. The entire world would crumble and the Mind Flayers would ditch their schemes.”

According to fans of Baldur’s Gate 3, there is a simple solution to avoid the fight with the frog. By waiting to confront the frog until after completing the Hag’s storyline and killing Ethen, players can then use the spell “Speak with Animals”to communicate with the frog. This will cause the frog to become ecstatic and guide players to a treasure cache.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid the Addled Frog encounter in Act 1 during the early stages of Baldur’s Gate 3.

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