Baldur’s Gate 3 players voted for the worst possible roommate

During a discussion about which companion would make the best roommate, Baldur’s Gate 3 players unanimously concluded that fan favorite Astarion would be terrible to live with.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions have become quite popular since the game’s release last year. It seems like everyone has strong feelings about them, for better or worse.

It’s a testament to the game’s writing and the depth the developers put into each companion, making characters like Astarion, Shadowheart, and Karlach seem like real, complex people to emotionally bond with.

However, there is a huge difference between going on an adventure with someone and living with them. This has Baldur’s Gate 3 players discussing which companions would make good roommates – and most agree that some are much better than others.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players would rather live with Gale or Karlach than Astarion

The question was posed by Reddit user vdov, who asked the BaldursGate3 subreddit “Which mate would you choose as your college roommate?”

Which companion would you pick to be your college roommate? byu/_vdov_ inBaldursGate3

While answers will certainly vary depending on personal preference, most commenters agree that one companion would make a terrible roommate: Astarion.

As one of the most popular comments says, “Anyone but Astarion. This guy would definitely eat your groceries and refuse to wash his own plates.” Given his attitude towards most people, it’s safe to assume that Astarion wouldn’t be a great person to share an apartment or college room with.

As for who players would like to live with, the most popular comments show that Gale is the leading contender for best roommate by far since “he goes to bed in a full old-fashioned night suit and hat at 8 p.m. ”

Gale is also canonically a good cook, and as an intelligent magician, he could help with homework. And, as a bonus for cat lovers, Gale might also bring Tara the tressym with him.

The only downside some have noted is that Gale seems to be the type to cry before going to sleep every night, but as others have pointed out, other companions probably come with worse sounds.

Another popular choice is Karlach for his positive attitude and willingness to protect those he cares about. “I need all this positive energy,” one commenter said. However, others have noted that she is quite loud and (depending on the condition of her heart) could burn your furniture.

As with any roommate situation, any companion in Baldur’s Gate 3 would definitely come with pros and cons. Wyll, for example, divides the players; some say his “regular guy” vibe would make him good to live with, while others point out that he might bring unwanted guests like Mizora and “twenty creepy people who managed to convince Wyll to let them into the house.” ‘apartment.”

While there’s some agreement regarding characters like Gale and Astarion, it seems like most of Baldur’s Gate 3’s companions would make better friends than roommates.

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