Baldur’s Gate 3: The Surprising Strength of the Game’s Most ‘Useless’ Spell

Baldur’s Gate 3 features a vast collection of spells, each varying in strength and utility. Despite this, players should not disregard one of the seemingly “useless”spells.

Despite its potential usefulness in aiding stealth, deception, and other tasks, players on Baldur’s Gate 3’s Reddit forum were quick to criticize the perceived lack of effectiveness of the Seeming spell. Not all spells in the game are created equal, and Seeming has been deemed as “useless”by some players.

Despite its seemingly simple premise, the spell is not without its complications. Some fans have reported that party members must actively save in order to use the spell, and have criticized the lack of control over how one disguises themselves. This has led to criticism of the supposedly pointless nature of Seeming.

Baldur's Gate 3 seeming
Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3’s disguises can be extremely useful.

Despite this, fans quickly flocked to the comments section to defend the seemingly “useless”spell, arguing that it can actually be quite potent in certain situations.

According to one user, using a disguise that includes a combination of race and gender allows for the assignment of committed crimes without being identified. This technique can be helpful when trying to evade capture while engaging in unlawful activities. Simply disguise yourself, commit the crime, escape, and return without the disguise to avoid being recognized.

Another individual pointed out that you have the ability to select your own disguise. They went on to clarify that while the initial assignment is random, you can alter it to your preference using the “Adjust Seeming”skill once you are already disguised.

An intriguing aspect of Seeming is its application on deceased NPCs. It can prove to be incredibly beneficial when attempting to communicate with those you have killed, who may otherwise refuse to speak to their murderer.

Ultimately, while Seeming may not be the most powerful spell, it can still be a useful tool when used strategically. It can greatly aid in role-playing, gathering information, and evading trouble when necessary. However, it is important to use it in a secluded area, such as a camp, to prevent any unwanted complications or annoyances.

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