Baldur’s Gate 3 trick for easy Devil’s in the Details achievement

Obtaining the Devil’s in the Details achievement in Baldur’s Gate 3 can prove challenging, particularly on higher difficulty levels. However, a helpful trick has been shared by one player to make it more achievable.

To achieve the Devil’s in the Details trophy in Baldur’s Gate 3, one must emerge victorious in a battle against Commander Zhalk while aboard the Nautiloid.

At this point in the game, it can be difficult because you are still Level 1 and do not have good equipment. As a result, many players choose to simply bypass the enemy and the Mindflayer they are engaged with, as it is more efficient than trying to defeat them (as well as the Cambions) and potentially wasting time.

The method shared by ‘GamerExecChef’ makes it easy to eliminate them. It involves using explosive tanks and cartilaginous chests in a creative manner.

“According to their post on Reddit, they strategically positioned the explosive tanks next to Zhalk, resulting in his and the Mindflayer’s simultaneous demise. Additionally, they blocked the two Cambions from entering the fight by arranging all the cartilaginous chests in the hallway.”

Commander Zhalk with the Everburn Blade in Baldur's Gate 3
Running Studios

The Everburn Blade can be stolen from Zhalk with Command: Drop.

It is highly advantageous to defeat both Zhalk and the Mindflayer simultaneously, particularly since there are only 15 turns available to eliminate Zhalk, earn the achievement, and escape the Nautiloid before perishing.

As a result, strategically using the chests to block the path of the Cambions can make this fight much more manageable. By reducing the number of enemies you have to face, you can increase your chances of obtaining the achievement and successfully escaping.

The primary motivation for doing so is to obtain Zhalk’s Everburn Blade. However, it is possible to acquire the weapon without resorting to violence. Simply use Command: Drop on Zhalk, and the blade will be yours.

The Everburn Blade is an excellent choice for early game, particularly for players who prefer tankier characters. It inflicts an additional 1d4 fire damage in addition to its base 2d6 slashing damage.

To obtain the achievement, it is necessary to defeat him. You can also use Command: Drop on him to make him drop his weapon before he can strike you. Remember, you only have 15 turns to accomplish this, so acquiring the Everburn Blade early on will work in your favor.

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