Baldur’s Gate 3’s Ansur reveal fuels hatred for The Emperor

According to Baldur’s Gate 3 players, conversing with Ansur reveals the true nature of The Emperor and is considered the most emotionally impactful scene in the game.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, there are numerous emotional cutscenes that not only reveal surprising plot twists but also allow players to delve into the characters’ backgrounds. While fans often debate which one is the best, the encounter with the dragon Ansur is widely considered to be the most mind-blowing scene in the entire game.

Remember that we will be discussing scenes from Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3, so there may be spoilers ahead.

Locating Ansur the Bronze Dragon is a challenging task as players must overcome his four trials in order to reach The Dragon’s Sanctum. However, once they reach their destination, they will discover that the magnificent creature has been killed by Baldurian, The Emperor’s former identity.

“In a Reddit post titled “The Emotional Impact of This Scene,”fans of Baldur’s Gate 3 opened up about their devastation upon learning that Ansur had been attempting to save The Emperor’s soul before succumbing to his Illithid abilities.”

“The OP commented on the betrayal they experienced from the Illithid they had trusted. After being forced to kill Ansur, they discovered that the two were actually lovers and Ansur was trying to save Balduran from becoming an Illithid. The OP had initially liked Balduran, but was shocked by the revelation of his true identity and the fact that he killed his own dragon lover.”

Some Baldur’s Gate 3 players argued that the dramatic scene does not necessarily prove that The Emperor truly betrayed Ansur. They pointed out that Illithid tadpoles have the ability to consume the minds and bodies of their hosts, suggesting that Baldurian may have been long gone before transforming into The Emperor.

The fan explained that Ansur’s attempts to save his lover were in vain as he was already deceased. However, Ansur remained unaware of this and ultimately passed away, believing he had been betrayed.

The majority of players believe that Ansur’s narrative is one of the most sorrowful in Baldur’s Gate 3, particularly when it becomes apparent that The Emperor still sees Ansur as their former lover. Despite having a romantic relationship with The Emperor, players have various other reasons to doubt its intentions, such as suspicions that it still harbors feelings for Steelmane or is using them as pawns against the Netherbrain.

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