Battle Royale: Dragon Ball Super mode in PUBG Mobile 2.7 update explained

The long-awaited PUBG Mobile 2.7 update introduces an exciting new collaboration mode that combines the iconic Dragon Ball Super universe with the popular Battle Royale gameplay. This mode which will be available on July 15, delivers a solitary experience in which players can immerse themselves in an anime-style map as iconic Dragon Ball characters.

In this article, the writer will go through several characters, a brand-new map, gameplay items, special features, and mechanics that await gamers in this fascinating collaboration between PUBG Mobile and Dragon Ball Super.

Explanation of the brand new mode Battle Royale: Dragon Ball Super in PUBG Mobile 2.7 update

Character selection and abilities

You can choose popular characters from the Dragon Ball Super series in the Battle Royale: Dragon Ball Super mode. Each character has unique skills that correspond to their personalities and combat styles. Son Goku, Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, Piccolo, and Frieza are among the selectable characters in PUBG Mobile:

Vegeta, the prideful Saiyan prince, excels at close-range combat. His basic attack consists of firing successive Kidan; however, his charged attack involves releasing several Kidan for small area damage. When Vegeta hits an enemy, he gains energy that can be discharged for significant damage in the target direction.

With his normal strike, Son Goku, the legendary Saiyan, specializes in explosive damage, firing repeated Kidan. With his charged strike, he can constantly damage adversaries with Ki Blasts. Goku’s special ability allows him to dash toward the joystick, which can be accumulated and used sequentially.

Ultimate Gohan can switch between aim modes and rapid-fire Kidan assaults. His charged attack inflicts immediate damage on adjacent opponents. Gohan’s unique ability creates a spherical barrier that blocks incoming projectiles, giving him a defensive advantage in PUBG Mobile.

Piccolo uses Energy Waves in conjunction with the accurate aim to do extra damage with each shot. His charged attack allows him to launch a tremendous Energy Wave, essential for long-range combat. Piccolo’s special ability allows him to vanish and charge in the direction of the crosshair in PUBG Mobile.

Frieza excels at long-range combat by employing powerful Kidan strikes. His charged attack consists of hurling a big Kidan for area damage. Frieza’s unique ability allows him to choose a location before leaping into the air and crushing down on it, inflicting damage and sending enemies flying in PUBG Mobile.

Anime-style map and gameplay items

The Battle Royale: Dragon Ball Super mode adds a new 1.6 x 1.6 km anime-style map with magnificent landscapes. This one-of-a-kind setting immerses you in the Dragon Ball universe, improving the whole gameplay experience in PUBG Mobile.

New unique items are introduced to improve gameplay mechanics. Ki, a new sort of supply, will be found around the map and is required for Kidan assaults. You must manage your Ki levels and charge yourself by tapping a button when it runs low. Ki is divided into two types: regular Ki, which is used for standard attacks, and charged Ki, which is used for powerful charged attacks.

Upgrade Materials are also distributed around the area, allowing you to improve your assaults in PUBG Mobile. These commodities, which include Spirit Crystlets and Spirit Crystals, can be gathered and used to strengthen Ki attacks. Attacks deliver more damage as they progress in level, with Spirit Crystals required for upgrades beyond level 2.

Tactical Capsules give strategic choices to gameplay, with Buku Capsules allowing for short-distance flight, and Smoke Capsules masking vision to provide tactical advantages during engagements in PUBG Mobile.

Armour supplies can also be obtained, providing additional health and varied quality levels in PUBG Mobile. To obtain a substantial advantage on the battlefield, you must seek to acquire higher-quality gear. Armour absorbs the damage of the most recent attack that breaks it, offering a vital lifeline in high-stress situations.

Special Features and gameplay mechanics

To enhance the gaming experience, the Battle Royale: Dragon Ball Super mode incorporates various extra elements and gameplay principles in PUBG Mobile:

Updrafts offer a mid-distance travel option, allowing you to make contact with an updraft on the ground and be hoisted into the air. The direction of the fall can be changed, allowing for strategic map reconfiguration.

Volcanic Lava is a dangerous hazard on the battlefield. It does damage within a set range when it erupts from openings. Stepping on lava continuously depletes health, necessitating prudence and tactical movement.

Teleport Points add an element of surprise and speed. Portals allow you to easily traverse the map by entering one and exiting the other. Cooldown times discourage excessive use and encourage strategic decision-making.

Energy Zones, which are specific metropolitan regions selected at random at the start of the match, provide you with advantageous bonuses. These zones offer greater movement speed, faster health recovery, and more supplies, enticing you to enter and gain an advantage over your opponents in PUBG Mobile.

Exclusive gameplay crates are introduced around the map via Timed Crates and Map Crates. Timed Crates occur randomly and contain valuable treasures after the timer expires. Map Crates, which are scattered over the map, provide additional supplies and rewards to those who venture near them.

Recovery Points are valuable since they quickly restore health and armor upon contact. However, they have cooldown times to avoid overuse, boosting strategic decision-making during tough conflicts.

Revival Altars encourage collaboration and second chances. Eliminated teammates can be revived for a limited duration at these set spots. Players that have been revived respawn near the altar, strengthening the team and revitalizing the gaming dynamics in PUBG Mobile.

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