BBC Documentary Rekindles Goo Hara’s Burglary Case — What Really Happened?

The “Burning Sun”scandal, featured in a recent BBC documentary, has sparked renewed public interest in the unsolved burglary case of the late K-Pop sensation, Goo Hara.

The documentary not only examined Goo Hara’s role in uncovering the scandal, but also shed light on the unexplained robbery that took place at her home following her death.

The burglary occurred only 50 days after the untimely death of Goo Hara in November 2019, at her residence in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam, Seoul, on January 14, 2020.

The property’s CCTV footage recorded an unknown person wearing a mask and gloves as they entered the premises.

The intruder, who seemed to know the layout well, initially tried to enter the house through the front door by using a password. However, when that failed, they resorted to climbing a wall and entering through a second-floor balcony.

Goo Hara
Goo Hara (Photo: wikitree)

Surprisingly, the thief seemed to possess accurate information about the structure of the house, specifically targeting Goo Hara’s personal safe in her dressing room and ignoring any other valuable items.

According to reports, the safe held valuable items including jewelry, investment documents, and old mobile phones, prompting investigators to consider the possibility of an inside job.

Even after a thorough nine-month investigation by authorities, the culprit’s identity remains unknown.

Despite the efforts of the police, who have yet to make any breakthroughs in the case, Goo Hara’s brother, Goo Ho In, promptly reported the incident to them.

The timing of the theft, occurring shortly after a memorial service for the late star, led friends and acquaintances of Goo Hara to speculate that someone close to her or acting on behalf of an acquaintance may have orchestrated the burglary.

The BBC documentary highlighted Goo Hara’s significant contribution in assisting the investigation of the “Burning Sun”scandal, which involved prominent individuals such as former BIGBANG member Seungri and Jung Joon Young.

Once again, her involvement has brought the unresolved burglary case to the forefront of public attention, prompting renewed scrutiny and discussion among netizens.

The authorities are continuing their investigation into the burglary and are asking the public for any information that may help identify the person responsible.

The fact that the case remains unresolved highlights the ongoing uncertainties surrounding Goo Hara’s legacy and the events leading up to her tragic death.

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