Bel Canto Prince Highlight Yang Yoseob was forced to cry by his fans! Cue fans who are crazy about Chinese show “Let’s sing together” and ask to turn off the lights just to see the fans clearly

(Cover image source: KSD)

Bel canto lead singer Liang Yao-seop of the Highlight group held a solo concert in Taipei on September 24, attracting 2,000 fans. In addition to the beautiful songs, Liang Yao-seop also did not forget to share with everyone his photo book shot in Austria. Beautiful photos.

(Source: KSD)

Yang Yoseob is wearing jeans, a short pink suit jacket, a white shirt and a tie, which is quite consistent with the look of a bel canto prince. First, he performed two songs, “Chocolate Box”and “With me”. When the music ended, the fans screamed non-stop, making Yang Yoseob smile so happily that he could hardly find any time to greet everyone. He also took out the cheat sheet he had prepared in advance and read out the words “How are you doing?”and “I miss you so much”written on it. He carefully asked everyone if their pronunciation was correct. After receiving positive responses from the audience, he smiled with peace of mind.

(Source: KSD)

Yang Yoseop also mentioned that he and the Highlight members had just come to Taiwan earlier this year for a sports meeting-style fan meeting. He still remembered that he received the MVP award at that time, and also thought of the members, who could hold a concert individually this time. It made him feel quite happy. He once again sang “Let’s Sing Together”in Chinese, and was more considerate of the difficulty for Taiwanese fans to sing in Korean. During the performance of “Pretty”, several key lyrics of the chorus appeared on the screen and were typed out in Korean pronunciation. The Chinese subtitles show that Liang Yao-seop is particularly considerate.

(Source: KSD)

As the concert came to an end, I still had a lot to say to everyone. I also modestly said that maybe my eloquence was not good and I had a lot of feelings that I could not express. I also mentioned that I hope I can become a “warm cotton that has been exposed to the sun”in everyone’s mind. Being “existence”, he strives to become a serious singer. Next, he asked the venue to dim the lights on both sides so that he could clearly see the faces of the fans and the words of support raised by them, “Oppa, give me a heart!””Please blow me a kiss.””So Ji-sub, Ahn Hyo-seop, Yang Yo-seop””When their eyes meet, they are dating!”etc. He also introduced his mother who was watching his performance in the audience, and sincerely thanked the fans for their support.

(Source: KSD)

Finally, a video of support carefully prepared by fans appeared on the screen. Each person spoke about Yang Yoo-seop’s influence on them in one sentence, which directly made Yang Yao-seop cry. He choked and said that although he was mentally prepared for everyone to send a surprise video, he did not expect that he would. He was moved to tears and felt that his fans’ love for him has never changed. Although he wanted to thank his fans in more Chinese, he felt that he had not learned enough at this time, and he immediately asked to take photos with his fans. Left a touching moment.

(Source: KSD)

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