Benefits of jackfruit: 7 reasons to add the tropical fruit to your diet  

Benefits of jackfruit: 7 reasons to add the tropical fruit to your diet  

There are numerous benefits of jackfruit that make it an excellent addition to diet. Although native to India, jackfruit has become quite popular in other parts of the world as well and is known to be one of the largest edible fruits in the world.

The tropical fruit is fleshy on the inside and thorny on the outside and contains more protein than some popular fruits. Jackfruits also have nearly every mineral and vitamin a human body need.

What does jackfruit taste like?

Jackfruits usually taste sweet. (Image via Pexels/Anna Tarazevich)
Jackfruits usually taste sweet. (Image via Pexels/Anna Tarazevich)

Jackfruits have a very distinctive taste and smell. They usually taste sweet and can be used to make a variety of recipes, including both sweet and savory dishes.

Often vegetarians and vegans use fruit as a meat substitute due to its taste and texture which is quite similar to shredded meat.

The flesh and seeds of jackfruits can be boiled and used in dishes like curries and gravies. When fully ripened, though, a jackfruit can be enjoyed raw and added to a variety of dishes.

Health benefits of jackfruit

Here are some of the top benefits of jackfruit that make it a super-healthy addition to diet:

Loaded with nutrients

One of the top benefits of jackfruit is that it’s loaded with essential nutrients and minerals. In fact, the fruit has almost every mineral and vitamin that you need. It contains fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, copper and manganese.

Apart from minerals and vitamins, jackfruits also contain a good amount of antioxidants that keep the body healthy and away from illnesses.

Boosts immunity

Boosting immunity is among the most potential benefits of jackfruit (Image via Freepic)
Boosting immunity is among the most potential benefits of jackfruit (Image via Freepic)

Boosting immunity is also among the most potential benefits of eating jackfruit. The fruit contains antioxidants and vitamin C, both of which are known to improve the immune system and overall functioning. These compounds are also known to fight infections.

Manages blood sugar level

The benefits of jackfruit also include managing blood sugar level. That’s because the fruit contains numerous properties that may help benefit blood sugar control.

Jackfruits have a low glycemic index that slows digestion and prevents blood sugar spikes. Studies suggest that the fruit also has some protein that may help prevent blood sugar levels from rising, particularly after a meal.

Relieves menstrual cramps

Jackfruit benefits for female include relieving menstrual cramps and pain. Studies have shown that eating jackfruits can reduce blood pressure, which may further help manage cramps and uncomfortable symptoms during periods.

Improves skin health

Consuming jackfruits boost the production of collagen. (Image via Pexels/Daniel Xavier)
Consuming jackfruits boost the production of collagen. (Image via Pexels/Daniel Xavier)

Promoting skin health is also among some of the significant benefits of jackfruit. The tropical fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which makes it quite effective in terms of keeping skin problems at bay.

Eating jackfruits can prevent signs of aging, boost production of collagen and keep the skin looking smooth and plump.

Enhances sperm count

Jackfruit benefits for males include increasing sperm counts. Studies suggest that eating ripened jackfruit can help improve quality of semen and also increase sperm motility in men.

In fact, Chinese medicine considers jackfruit as one of the most natural remedies to treat low libido and erectile dysfunction in men.

Good for heart health

The potassium and fiber contents in jackfruit make it a heart-healthy food. Both fiber and potassium have been shown to boost heart health and improve its functioning.

Fiber lowers cholesterol level and manages blood pressure, while potassium reduces the harmful effects of sodium.

What are the risks of eating jackfruits?

People who are allergic to birch pollen should avoid jackfruits. (Image via Pexels/Antony Trivet)
People who are allergic to birch pollen should avoid jackfruits. (Image via Pexels/Antony Trivet)

Jackfruits are considered safe, but people who’re allergic to birch pollen should limit their consumption or avoid it as the fruit may lead to reactions.

Moreover, people with diabetes should also be cautious when consuming jackfruit, as the tropical fruit can lower blood pressure.

It’s advised that diabetics should first consult their doctors before consuming jackfruits and get their medication dosages changed if required.

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