Helldivers 2 offers a variety of loadouts for players to experiment with, however not all items hold the same value. Discover the most effective armor to equip in Helldivers 2.
Despite a few technical hiccups, Helldivers 2 has had an incredible launch, setting new records on Steam and receiving high praise from fans. This is largely due to the unique gameplay experience, which allows players to approach the game and uncover its story in both co-op and solo modes.
In Helldivers 2, just like in any other third-person shooter, the armor serves as the primary means of defense for those fighting for democracy. In order to assist you in choosing the most suitable armor for your build, we have compiled a list of the best armors for each type of playstyle in the game.
Recommended armor for increased health in Helldivers 2
If you want to increase your endurance in combat, you can’t overlook armor with the Democracy Protects passives.

The DP-40 Hero of the Federation gives players plenty of health.
DP-40 Hero of the Federation
- Armor Rating: 100
- Speed: 500
- Stamina Rain: 100
- Active: Democracy Protects – Has a 50% chance to prevent death when taking lethal damage. Also, it completely blocks any damage from bleeding if the chest is hemorrhaging.
Best armor for speed
In Helldivers 2, choosing not to engage in combat is an entirely acceptable way to play and can be just as difficult as jumping into battle without hesitation. Those who prefer a fast-paced approach should consider equipping armor with the Scout passive ability.

The SC-30 Trailblazer Scout boosts the speed to incredible levels.
SC-30 Trailblazer Scout
- Armor Rating: 075
- Speed: 525
- Stamina Rain: 113
- Active: The Scout ability allows for markers placed on the map to generate radar scans every 2.0s, while also decreasing the range in which enemies can detect the wearer by 30%.
Top Armor Choices for Tank Builds in Helldivers 2
Players who are willing to absorb the majority of the damage for their team will require the strongest armor available in Helldivers 2. The Democracy Protects and Servo-Assisted passives are both suitable options for tank builds. As mentioned earlier, the DP-40 Hero of the Federation is a fantastic choice for tank builds, but there are also other options available later in the Warbonds.

Players can take their pick between two options for the tankiest armor of them all.
DP-11 Champion of the People
- Armor Rating: 100
- Speed: 500
- Stamina Rain: 100
- The democracy protection has a 50% chance of preventing death after taking damage that would normally be lethal. It also stops bleeding damage when the chest is attacked and hemorrhages.
SA-25 Steel Trooper
- Armor Rating: 100
- Speed: 500
- Stamina Rain: 100
- Passive: Servo-Assisted – Increases throwing range by 30%Provides +50% limb health
It should be noted that the Servo-Assisted passive is exclusively found on armors in the Premium Warbond or from the Superstore.
Players have the option to accumulate their Super Credits and use them to buy the Premium Warbond, which grants them access to the SA-25 Steel Trooper armor. The cost of the Premium Warbond is 1,000 Super Credits.
Best Armor for Sniper Builds
Despite the absence of designated classes in Helldivers 2, players have the freedom to experiment with various loadouts and create unique builds. Those interested in a sniper playstyle can explore armors with the Engineering Kit passive or the Fortified passive.

Snipers can pick between the CE-35 Trench Engineer and the FS-05 Marksman armor.
CE-35 Trench Engineer
- Armor Rating: 100
- Speed: 500
- Stamina Rain: 100
- Passive: Engineering Kit – Reduces recoil by 30% when crouching or prone. Additionally, increases initial inventory capacity for grenades by +2.
FS-05 Marksman
- Armor Rating: 144
- Speed: 456
- Stamina Rain: 56
- Fortified: Reduces weapon recoil by 30% while crouched or prone and provides 50% resistance to explosive damage.
Best armor for support builds in Helldivers 2
Support builds are essential for providing long-lasting support and maintaining focus on their teams. In order to effectively keep a team of divers alive, players cannot overlook the benefits of using armor with the Med-Kit passive. For those looking for a reliable option in the early game, the CM-09 Bonesnapper is a solid choice. For those seeking a more visually appealing option with similar stats, there is another alternative available for 70 Medals.

Those in a support role can access the CM-09 Bonesnapper early on.
CM-09 Bonesnapper
- Armor Rating: 100
- Speed: 500
- Stamina Rain: 100
- Active: Med-Kit – Increases initial inventory and holding capacity of stims by +2. Also extends stim effect duration by +2.0s.
CM-14 Physician
- Armor Rating: 100
- Speed: 500
- Stamina Rain: 100
- The Med-Kit increases the initial inventory and holding capacity of stims by +2, as well as extending the stim effect duration by +2.0 seconds.
Best Armor for Solo Players
In order to effectively handle all obstacles in the game, solo players should aim for a well-rounded armor set. Opting for a Light armor set is recommended, and choosing the Scout passive can be beneficial for avoiding unnecessary combats. For those prioritizing survivability, the Med-Kit option is also a viable choice. The CM-09 Bonesnapper and SC-30 Trailblazer Scout, previously mentioned, are both reliable options. Alternatively, players can consider using the Infiltrator for a strong early-game selection.

The SC-34 Infiltrator is one of the most balanced armor sets in the game.
SC-34 Infiltrator
- Armor Rating: 075
- Speed: 525
- Stamina Rain: 113
- Passive: Scout – Radar scans will be automatically generated every 2.0s when markers are placed on the map. This ability reduces the wearer’s detection range by 30%, making it harder for enemies to spot them.
Armor Mechanics in Helldivers 2

Armor sets are divided into three categories, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
In Helldivers 2, it is important to note that there are a total of 19 armor sets available upon launch, categorized into three types: Light, Medium, and Heavy. The Light and Medium sets offer superior mobility, while the Heavy sets trade off speed and regeneration for increased durability.
In Helldivers 2, the significance of armor stats is outweighed by the Passive buffs they offer. With a total of seven armor passives to choose from, each one grants a unique perk. These perks range from reducing the risk of lethal damage or detection by enemies, to increasing the capacity for carrying stims or grenades.
Now you are fully informed about the top armor choices in Helldivers 2. In case you are low on funds to purchase any of these selections, here is a guide on obtaining free Super Credits. Also, be sure to review the optimal Stratagems and their codes, and if you enjoy aerial combat, learn how to unlock ship modules.
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