Best Build for Assault Class in Space Marine 2: Weapons, Perks, and Strategy Guide

In Warhammer, Space Marines are known for being the harbingers of Death, and this remains true in Space Marine 2. This is particularly evident when utilizing the Jump Pack Assault build to bring death from above.

Although the campaign allows players to test out different classes, both missions and PvP challenges require them to carefully refine their builds in order to create a powerful class that can effectively combat Tyranids, Chaos Marines, and other adversaries encountered in their adventures.

Even though there are a variety of weapons, grenades, and perks to choose from, it can be overwhelming to sort through them all. But fear not, as we have the ultimate build for the Assault class, also known as the Jump Pack class, for both Operation and PvP modes, ensuring your dominance in any situation.

Category Item
Weapon – Heavy Bolt Pistol– Chainsword
Grenade – Frag grenade
Perks – Winged Fury– Retribution– Act of Attrition– Strategic Strikes– Smiting Angel– Wings of Flame– Aerial Grace– Ascension

Best weapons explained

Secondary Weapon: Heavy Bolt Pistol

Focus Entertainment

It’s a higher-level weapon but well worth it.

Perk Description
Great Might Damage increases by 10% against Terminus enemies.
Death Strike After killing a Majoris-level or higher enemy with a Melee Weapon, you deal 25% more Damage for 5 seconds.
Close Combat Enemies at a distance of no more than 15 metres take 10% more Damage.
Adamantine Grip Recoil is reduced by 25%.
Iron Grip After a Gun Strike, Recoil is reduced by 35% for 5 seconds.
Head Hunter Headshots deal 10% more Damage.
Adamant Hunter When your Health is below 30%, Headshot deal more Damage.
Honed Precision Equipped Weapon’s Maximum Spread decreases by 25% when firing without aiming.
Tyranid Eliminator Damage against Tyranid enemies increases by 10%

As the Assault class lacks a Primary Weapon, it is crucial to prioritize having a strong Secondary for situations where no other options are available. This is why the Heavy Bolt Pistol has been selected.

The high Damage, Accuracy, and Reload Speed, along with its decent range, make it an incredibly versatile weapon, perfect for those who are hesitant to engage in close combat. While the Assault class may not prioritize damage, it certainly values speed and accuracy.

We suggest getting Ophelian Liberation once you reach the appropriate level, but in the meantime, any will suffice.

As for weapon perks, we recommend following the suggested selection mentioned above, with the main focus being on increasing the weapon’s Damage and Recoil. Even though you primarily rely on melee attacks, it is still beneficial to have the ability to deliver a well-aimed headshot with minimal Recoil and maximum damage. Additionally, perks such as Close Combat and Honed Precision, which enhance close-range damage, can also prove to be useful.

Melee Weapon – Chainsword

Space Marine 2 Chainsword
Focus Entertainment

Sometimes there’s no need to choose anything else.

Perk Description
Armored Strength When you have full Armor, Melee Damage increases by 10%.
Crushing Heel Enemies hit by Stomp deal 30% less Damage for 4 seconds. Cooldown is 10 Seconds.
Perpetual Strength Melee Damage increases by 5%.
Reverberating Impact Stomp area of effect radius increases by 50%.
Chaos Slayer Melee Damage against Chaos enemies increases by 10%.
Hard Target While performing a Light Combo, you take 15% less Ranged Damage.
Trampling Stride After performing a Stomp, hold the attack button to perform an additional Stomp.
Majoris Slayer Melee Damage against Majoris-level enemies increases by 10%.
Momentum Gain Each consecutive Light Attack increases Light Attack Melee Damage by 3% (up to 30%) for 3 seconds.

The main function of the Assault class is to absorb enemy attacks and retaliate with powerful strikes using their melee weapon. While the Bulwark does not possess any secondary weapons, the Assault class has access to a variety of useful secondary guns. However, their true strength lies in their close-combat prowess with the Chainsword.

With its impressive speed and ability to cause damage, this weapon possesses incredible Strength and a remarkable potential for cleaving. Your character will feel as formidable as a Space Marine should. When reaching Relic level, we highly recommend selecting the Aquilan Dedication Chainsword. Despite a slight decrease in Cleaving Potential, its Fencing Defense and significant boost in strength make it a valuable choice.

While the Thunder Hammer may seem like a viable option, its slow speed greatly hinders its effectiveness. It may be suitable for those who do not heavily rely on melee attacks, but as a primary weapon, it falls short.

In order to maximize the power of your Stomp and melee attacks, it’s important to focus on perks that enhance their effectiveness. These abilities, such as Crushing Heel, Reverberating Impact, and Trampling Stride, will not only devastate your enemies but also push them away.

Best Grenades for Assault

  • Frag
  • Digest

It should be noted that this primarily applies to the 6v6 PvP mode, as grenade selection is not available in Operations.

The Frag grenade is undoubtedly the top choice for the Assault class. Nevertheless, as you progress, you should consider switching to the Melta grenade. Both are highly effective in causing damage and are ideal for taking down swift and experienced foes in PvP combat.

Best Perks for Operations

Assault skill Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

Manipulate your melee attacks to help your skill.

Although PvP players select their grenades, Operations have access to character perks that can be used to create a formidable Space Marine. Fortunately, there are several perks available and we recommend focusing on the following ones for the Assault class:

Perk Description
Winged Fury Damage from Melee Attacks executed while sprinting or dashing increases by 25%.
Retribution After you are grabbed or knocked back, you deal 15% more Melee Damage for 10 seconds.
Act of Attrition Enemies hit by Melee Attacks take 10% more Damage fro 3 seconds.
Strategic Strikes All Squad Members deal 20% more Melee Damage against Terminus-level enemies.
Smiting Angel Ground Pound’s Damage increases by 10%.
Wings of Flame Jump Pack Dash damages enemies along its trajectory.
Aerial Grace After a perfectly timed Dodge using a Jump Pack Dash, you deal 25% more Damage for 5 seconds.
Ascension Jump Pack Leap deals Damage to all enemies in the takeoff area.

A variety of perks are available for selection, and ultimately, the choice is yours based on your preferred fighting style. We highly recommend opting for perks that enhance the Jump Pack ability. Perks such as Wings of Flame, Aerial Grace, Ascension, and Smiting Angel all complement each other wonderfully.

Additionally, the Assault class specializes in close-quarters combat. Selecting skills such as Act of Attrition, Winged Fury, and Retribution is highly beneficial, given the frequent use of powerful strikes and attacks at close range.

Even though being grabbed or knocked back is a common occurrence in hordes and tougher missions, we have chosen to use it to our advantage. However, if you prefer to avoid this perk and eliminate being knocked back, you can use either Hammer of Wrath or Perseverance. Our personal preference is to use it to assist the Assault rather than preventing it. Additionally, the bonus damage from Retribution is highly beneficial.

How to play the Assault

Assault class Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

Assaults have a melee and secondary for a reason.

Now that you have the top Assault build in Space Marine 2, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the class’s fighting style before jumping into gameplay.

The Assault Space Marine’s description states, “Death from Above.”This warrior uses perfectly timed melee strikes to crush their enemies and achieve victory.

As the primary melee DPS for the team, you are responsible for flying and stomping your way through hordes. It is essential to perfect your parry, heavy attacks, Ground Pound, and various combos in order to be effective. Without mastering these skills, you will simply be a slightly less resilient version of the Bulwark.

When considering your Skill, it is essential to time it perfectly. Fortunately, the jump resets rapidly, allowing for precise usage. We recommend timing the jump to either land on an approaching horde or stun a formidable foe. Increase your attacks, drop down, and unleash chaos upon your enemies.

In boss fights, it is important to occasionally be at the forefront. The optimal strategy is to attack from a distance while your skill recharges, and then use your jumping and slamming abilities when it becomes available. Although your secondary weapon is powerful, it is not as effective against ranged opponents, so it is best to position yourself at the front when your skill is ready to support you.

Therefore, this is the optimal way to construct the ultimate Assault in Space Marine 2. While each build can be modified to suit your individual playstyle, this is considered the ideal build for both missions and PvP.

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