Best Builds for The Gauntlet in Diablo 4 Season 4

The Gauntlet in Diablo 4 is a fixed dungeon that is available once a week and is intended for endgame players. Here are some recommended builds that can assist you in efficiently completing it.

The most effective builds for the Gauntlet in Diablo 4 Season 4 are those that possess exceptional mobility and unparalleled ad-clearing capabilities. As the dungeon layout remains unchanged throughout the week, it is crucial to have the knowledge and skill to swiftly eliminate the spawning mobs.

As such, below is a compilation of the top Gauntlet builds for Diablo 4 Season 4.

Best Diablo 4 Gauntlet Builds in Season 4

Build Main Skills Ultimate Unique/Uber Unique needed
Dust Devil Double Swing Barbarian Double Swing, Leap Wrath of the Berserker Ramaldi’s Magnum Opus
Charge HoTA Barbarian Charge, Hammer of The Ancients Wrath of the Berserker Harlequin’s Crest, Tibault’s Will, The Grandfather
Ball Lightning Sorcerer Ball Lightning Unstable Currents Harlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will
Bone Spear Necromancer Bone Spear Bone Storm Harlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will(Both Ubers optional)
Barrage Rogue Barrage, Puncture Harlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will
Penetrating Shot Rogue Penetrating Shot, Rapid Fire Shadow Clone
Windspike Druid Cyclone Armor, Poison Creeper Petrify Melted Heart of Selig
Lightning Storm Druid Lightning Storm Petrify Tempest Roar, Unsung Ascetic’s Wraps
Arc Lash Sorcerer Arc Lash Unstable Currents Harlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will

In Diablo 4’s Gauntlet, the ultimate objective is to attain the highest possible score in a span of eight minutes. The arrangement of the Dungeon, placement of enemies and shrines, and appearance of treasure chests will remain consistent for a week, before being reset.

The foes encountered in Diablo 4’s Gauntlet will be at level 124, comparable to those found in Level 70 Nightmare Dungeons.

To successfully build for this mode, it is essential to find a balance between the amount of damage you inflict and your level of movement speed.

Taking this into consideration, here are some possible builds that could excel in the Gauntlet mode of Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 Rogue Legendary items.

Ranged Rogue builds can breeze through the Gauntlet with the right build.

Dust Devil Double Swing Barbarian

The Dust Devil Double Swing Barbarian is a recently developed build for Diablo 4 Season 4, utilizing the Windlasher’s Aspect, Aspect of Fierce Winds, and Devilish Aspect. These three Aspects work together to generate Dust Devils every time the player uses a shout or the Double Swing ability.

However, even though the build boasts significant damage and is difficult to control, it heavily relies on Shouts and requires efficient management of cooldowns in order to fully maximize its potential.

Charge HoTA Barbarian

Despite its slightly lower movement speed, the Hammer of The Ancients Barbarian remains a popular choice for many players during the Season of the Construct. This is due to the numerous buffs that the character has received, making it a go-to build for wiping out hordes of enemies.

By effectively managing both your movement speed stat and the Shrine buffs within the Gauntlet in Diablo 4, this build has the potential to easily secure a top spot on the Weekly Leaderboard.

Mastering the Art of Ball Lightning Sorcery

The Ball Lightning Sorcerer has remained a highly sought after build in Diablo 4 since its release, with the potential to maintain its popularity in the Gauntlet. It should be noted, however, that this build’s damage output is spread out over multiple hits rather than one large hit.

In contrast, the Ball Lightning Sorcerer will inflict a moderate amount of damage with each individual strike, but it has the ability to deliver multiple strikes within a brief period. Effective mana management will allow for an enjoyable experience while playing with this character in the Gauntlet.

Bone Spear Necromancer

The Bone Spear Necromancer is a powerful build that excels in long-range combat and has a near-endless supply of Essence, without the need for Uber Uniques. Despite its impressive damage output, the build’s main downfall is its slow movement speed.

If you are able to resolve the problem through the use of the Wind Striker Aspect or by adding affixes to your boots, this build has the potential to be highly successful in the Gauntlet in Diablo 4.

Barrage Rogue

Despite being deemed a weak class in the early days of Season of the Construct due to the nerf of the Twisting Blades skill, Rogues can still be a formidable choice for players looking to play a hybrid build. The Barrage Rogue, in particular, is a build that should not be underestimated.

The Barrage skill is crucial for the success of the entire build in Diablo 4. It enables players to inflict significant damage while keeping a safe distance from groups of enemies. This playstyle involves a high level of risk but also offers high potential rewards, making it a must-try for any player.

Diablo 4 Barbarian

The Hammer of the Ancient Barbarian continues to be one of the most dominating builds in this mode.

Penetrating Shot Rogue

In contrast to the majority of other builds on this list, successfully utilizing the Penetrating Shot build in the Gauntlet of Diablo 4 will require proper positioning.

Despite the difficulty in achieving the correct position, successfully doing so can result in the complete annihilation of multiple enemy groups with a single strike. The Penetrating Shot build is expected to be among the few Rogue builds featured on the Weekly Leaderboard in Diablo 4.

Windspike Druid

The Windspike Druid in Diablo 4 is a companion build that boasts impressive tankiness, largely due to the powerful Melted Heart of Selig Unique amulet. Additionally, players will not have to worry about managing their spirit reserves.

Despite its effectiveness, obtaining the Melted Heart of Selig can be quite challenging. This build heavily relies on targeted attacks to take down distant enemies in the Gauntlet. To make the most of this build, it is recommended to lure multiple enemies to one spot and take them out systematically.

Lightning Storm Druid

The Lightning Storm Druid build, which utilizes two Uniques – Tempest Roar and Ascetic’s Unsung Wraps in Diablo 4, is highly sought after. However, the targeting of Lightning Storm can be a bit unpredictable and may not always hit the desired target.

However, not only will you have the ability to easily defeat your enemy, but you will also be able to quickly defeat bosses as soon as they appear in the Gauntlet in Diablo 4.

Arc Lash Sorcerer

Similar to the Penetrating Shot Rogue build, the Arc Lash Sorcerer is also considered an intermediate level build. With the high mob density in the Gauntlet of Diablo 4, shredding through enemies should not pose a challenge.

Similar to the Ball Lightning Sorcerer, your damage output may not be high with each individual hit, but you will be able to land multiple hits in a short period of time. This will allow you to achieve the necessary damage to annihilate any obstacles in your path.

That concludes the list of the top builds for the Gauntlet in Diablo 4. Currently, these builds are reigning supreme on the Weekly Leaderboard in Diablo 4. However, as time passes, players may discover alternative builds that prove more effective in the Dungeon.

Diablo 4 Horn of Trials

The Horn of Trials serves as the entry point to the Gauntlet.

Although these builds are effective in defeating the enemies in the static dungeon of the Gauntlet, they are not the only factor in achieving success. To climb the leaderboard, it is crucial to eliminate all enemies swiftly, making overall speed a crucial aspect to consider.

How to Efficiently Clear Gauntlet in Diablo 4 Season 4

In Diablo 4 Season 4’s Gauntlet, you will encounter various patterns such as chest keys and enemy spawn Shrines.

To successfully clear the Gauntlet, it is essential to locate the most efficient path through the rooms, allowing you to continuously battle and eliminate enemies until the timer expires. Additionally, be sure to gather the keys and unlock the chests that appear in each room to maximize your score.

In Diablo 4 Season 4, survivability is crucial within the Gauntlet due to the penalty of losing time upon death. It is important to note that the enemies inside the Gauntlet are level 124, so it is essential to be at a sufficient level to avoid being quickly defeated by them.

If you feel like taking a break from the Gauntlet in Diablo 4, you have the option to visit the Artificer’s Pit and gather the necessary Masterworking resources for optimizing your builds in the game.

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